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Приложение к уроку "At the Zoo"

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«Приложение к уроку "At the Zoo"»


Фонетическая разминка

Today, when I was at the Zoo,
I watched the mother kangaroo.
Inside her skin she has a pocket.
She puts her baby there to rock it.

Lazy –[leizi] (лейзи) – ленивый,

Weak –[ wik](вик) –это слабый,

Strong –[stron] (стронг)- значит сильный,

Funny-[f^ni] (фани) – смешной,

Angry [ engri] (энгри) – сердитый,

Long [lon ] (лонг) - это длинный,

Cunning [k^nin] (канинг) – ой, хитрый,

Small [smol] (смол) - небольшой (маленький).

A mouse is weak.

A lion is strong.

A monkey is funny.

A snake is long.

A fox is cunning.

An elephant is tall.

A wolf is angry.

A frog is small.

Let’s study main rules!

Must Must not




Collect all the words in the right column and write 2-3 your examples:

Giraffe zebra sheep elephant hippo lion tiger crocodile wolf fox bear monkey seal panda raccoon hen fly

1. An elephant is a huge animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are grey, they have two big ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (a trunk). They eat leaves, plants, fruit and roots. Elephants are mammals.

2. A fox belongs to the dog family. It is a mammal. Foxes are red and they have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning, they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. A giraffe is a tall animal with a long neck and thin long legs. Animals live in Africa, they eat tree leaves and fruit. Giraffes are mammals. Their bodies are covered with brown marks.

4. A rhinoceros is a large and heavy mammal that lives in Africa and Asia. It has one or two sharp horns on its head and it has thick skin. Rhinoceroses eat fruit, leaves and grass.

5. A hare is a small mammal with a short tail, long legs and long ears. Hares eat plants and fruit. They can jump and run very fast. Hares live in Europe and America.

6. A hedgehog is a small mammal covered in spines. It can roll in a ball. Hedgehogs hunt for insects, worms and small animals. They live in Asia, Africa and Europe.

7. A lion is a large wild cat. It is called “the king of beasts”. It has sharp teeth and claws, a big head and a long tail. Lions are predators, they hunt for other animals. Animals live in Africa and India in groups called prides. Lions are very strong, smart and cunning.

8. A bear is a large mammal. Bears have large paws with sharp claws. They can climb and swim very well. They live all around the world. Animals like to eat meat, fish, plants, fruit, berries and honey. Bears have a sweet tooth.

9. A camel is a large mammal. It lives in Africa. It eats vegetation: plants, grass and grain. Camels have a long neck and two humps. They can live without water for 10 months.

10. A wolf is a wild mammal. Wolves are of grey colour and they look like dogs. They are smart predators and eat other animals. Wolves live in small groups in forests and mountains.

11. A crocodile is a large dangerous animal that lives in rivers and lakes of Africa, Asia, Australia and America. Predators eat fish and mammals. They can swim and run very fast.

12. A zebra belongs to the horse family. It is a striped black-and-white mammal. Zebras live in Africa in groups (herds). They eat vegetation. They can run and kick with their strong legs.

13. A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They like to eat fruit, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

14. A panda is a white-and-black mammal. It lives in the forests of China. It can climb very well. Pandas look like fluffy bears. They eat bamboo trees, plants and small animals.

15. A kangaroo is a mammal that lives in Australia. It eats plants and leaves. Kangaroos have strong long legs and they can hop very fast. They also have a pocket on their stomach where they can carry their babies.

16. A squirrel is a small pretty animal. It has a fluffy tail. It lives in trees all over the world. Squirrels eat nuts, berries, fruit and insects. They can jump and climb trees.

Аnimal tastes

Ребятам даются пазлы, с подписанными текстами, собрав их читают текст.

  1. An elephant is an animal that lives in Africa and Asia. Elephants are grey, they have two big ears, two long teeth (tusks) and a long nose (a trunk). They eat leaves, plants, fruit and roots.

  1. A fox belongs to the dog family. Foxes are red and they have beautiful fluffy tails. They are very cunning , they catch and eat small animals and birds. They live all over the world.

3. A panda is a white-and-black mammal. It lives in the forests of China. It can climb very well. Pandas look like fluffy bears. They eat bamboo trees, plants and small animals.

Аудирование A _________is a _________ animal with a long tail. Monkeys _____ in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very_______, smart and active. Monkeys can run, _______, climb and play with each other. They like to eat_________, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.

small monkey fruit live funny jump

A monkey is a small animal with a long tail. Monkeys live in the forests of America, Africa and Asia. Animals are very funny, smart and active. Monkeys can run, jump, climb and play with each other. They like to eat fruit, nuts, berries, eggs and insects.


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