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Презентация к уроку "Water - some interesting facts"

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   Материал презентации предназначен к использованию на уроках английского языка, когда учащиеся изучают темы, связанные с охраной окружающей среды. использованием ресурсов или на интегрированных уроках. Материал знакомит учащихся с интересными фактами о воде. Презентация может быть использована в урочной и внеурочной деятельности на средней и старшей ступенях обучения.

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«Презентация к уроку "Water - some interesting facts"»

water Interesting facts


Interesting facts

Throughout the world, 1 milliard 100 million people lack access to clean drinking water . So we are happy  people!

Throughout the world, 1 milliard 100 million people lack access to clean drinking water . So we are happy people!

According to experts , it is enough to drink two glasses of pure water to overcome depression and fatigue.

According to experts , it is enough to drink two glasses of pure water to overcome depression and fatigue.

There is about three million cubic kilometers of fresh water on Earth total.  1 trillion tons of water evaporates daily from the earth's surface.

There is about three million cubic kilometers of fresh water on Earth total. 1 trillion tons of water evaporates daily from the earth's surface.

The human body consists of 60-70 % ofwater and of children 80% . A five-month embryo consists of 94 % water .

The human body consists of 60-70 % ofwater and of children 80% . A five-month embryo consists of 94 % water .

A man in his life drank in average 35 tons of water.

A man in his life drank in average 35 tons of water.


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