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Презентация по английскому языку на тему «The history of our school»

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Тема урока: История нашей школы


•          Обучающая: развитие монологической и диалогической речи; активизировать выученную лексику по теме “Моя школа”; активизировать ранее выученные грамматические структуры речи, организовать контроль речевых навыков учащихся по теме; развивать умение учащихся выделять главное, логично и последовательно излагать свои мысли на английском языке;  самостоятельно строить речевое действие.

•          Развивающая: развивать мышление, слуховой контроль, зрительную память и воображение, формировать самостоятельность и настойчивость в труде.

•          Воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к истории родного края, города, чувство гордости за свою школу в частности и патриотизма в целом.

Тип урока: обобщающий, урок – повторение.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, фотографии

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему «The history of our school»»

A little about SHAKSHA

A little about SHAKSHA



There is a church in Shaksha. This church was built in 1866. Memorial granite sign was installed in memory of Sergei Aksakov

There is a church in Shaksha. This church was built in 1866. Memorial granite sign was installed in memory of Sergei Aksakov

There is a monument to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the centre of Shaksha

There is a monument to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War in the centre of Shaksha

Ufa and Shaksha are connected by a bridge. Every day many cars go on this bridge and there are many traffic jams in summer.

Ufa and Shaksha are connected by a bridge. Every day many cars go on this bridge and there are many traffic jams in summer.

Sports complexes

Sports complexes

There is a FIRESTATION in Shaksha near the bus stop.  Every day this brave fire-brigade save our lives and extinguish the fire .

There is a FIRESTATION in Shaksha near the bus stop. Every day this brave fire-brigade save our lives and extinguish the fire .

children's [pediatric] polyclinic Hospital

children's [pediatric] polyclinic


The biggest factories are located in the centre of Shaksha

The biggest factories are located in the centre of Shaksha

Ufimka is the biggest river in Shaksha

Ufimka is the biggest river in Shaksha

 Shaksha is still building and developing

Shaksha is still building and developing

There are 4 SCHOOLS in Shaksha

There are 4 SCHOOLS in Shaksha

The History of our school 1904 - 2015

The History of our school

1904 - 2015

1904  The first school was built in 1904 in the village of Knyazevo. The school had two classrooms This school existed  until 1970.


The first school was built in 1904 in the village of Knyazevo.

The school had two classrooms

This school existed until 1970.

The first years of studying in the fifth form there were girls and boys from 11 to 17 years old

The first years of studying in the fifth form there were girls and boys from 11 to 17 years old

Extracurricular activities, physics and chemistry parties  were being held in the school at that time.In 1948 twelve graduates received the first certificates

Extracurricular activities, physics and chemistry parties were being held in the school at that time.In 1948 twelve graduates received the first certificates

Brass band

Brass band

The first Headmaster was Demidko Ivan Gavrilovich.   From 1952 to 1960 the Director of our school was Deryagin Vladimir Vasiljevich

The first Headmaster was Demidko Ivan Gavrilovich.

From 1952 to 1960 the Director of our school was Deryagin Vladimir Vasiljevich

In November 1957- the move from the old building to the new

In November 1957- the move from the old building to the new

In 1960-1962, the school was overcrowded, so the construction was began of a new building to the school in three floors.

In 1960-1962, the school was overcrowded, so the construction was began of a new building to the school in three floors.

In 1980 Shakshinskaya secondary school was renamed the school № 78 of the Kalinin district of Ufa.

In 1980 Shakshinskaya secondary school was renamed the school № 78 of the Kalinin district of Ufa.

In 2007 we celebrated the 50-th Anniversary .

In 2007 we celebrated the 50-th Anniversary .

 Now our school looks like this

Now our school looks like this

Quiz 1. When was School № 78 founded?  a) 1957 b) 1904 c) 1937


  • 1. When was School № 78 founded?

a) 1957 b) 1904 c) 1937

2.Who was the first Headmaster? Demidko Ivan Gavrilovich. Gerasimov Yakov Vasiljevich  Deryagin Vladimir Vasiljevich

2.Who was the first Headmaster?

  • Demidko Ivan Gavrilovich.
  • Gerasimov Yakov Vasiljevich
  • Deryagin Vladimir Vasiljevich
3.Where is our school situated ? 1. Lenina street 2. Olimpiyskaya street 3. Vysokovoltnaya street

3.Where is our school situated ?

  • 1. Lenina street
  • 2. Olimpiyskaya street
  • 3. Vysokovoltnaya street
4 . How many floors has our school got? 1. TWO 2. THREE 3. FOUR

4 . How many floors has our school got?

  • 1. TWO
  • 2. THREE
  • 3. FOUR


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