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Презентация по английскому языку на тему _Exploring space_

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему _Exploring space_»

Space  exploration Space exploration

Space exploration

Space exploration

Find the same words in Russian: Space исследовать, изучать Exploration космос To explore исследование A researcher космический корабль Launch спутник Spaceship астронавт Satellite исследователь Astronaut запускать
  • Find the same words in Russian:

Space исследовать, изучать

Exploration космос

To explore исследование

A researcher космический корабль

Launch спутник

Spaceship астронавт

Satellite исследователь

Astronaut запускать

K.Tsiolkovsky was the first person to invent his idea of space rocket.  Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born Sept. 17, 1857, in Izhevskoye, Russia. He was the son of a Polish deportee to Siberia. At ten he nearly became deaf from scarlet fever and had to quit school. He refused to be handicapped by his deafness and continued his education on his own at home. He read Jules Verne's stories of space travel and began to write science fiction stories himself. He introduced elements of science and technology into his stories, such as the problem of controlling a rocket as it moved between gravitational fields.

K.Tsiolkovsky was the first person to invent his idea of space rocket.

  • Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born Sept. 17, 1857, in Izhevskoye, Russia. He was the son of a Polish deportee to Siberia. At ten he nearly became deaf from scarlet fever and had to quit school. He refused to be handicapped by his deafness and continued his education on his own at home. He read Jules Verne's stories of space travel and began to write science fiction stories himself. He introduced elements of science and technology into his stories, such as the problem of controlling a rocket as it moved between gravitational fields.
In 1894 Tsiolkovsky designed a monoplane that was not flown until 1915. He built the first Russian wind tunnel in 1897. He also thought about the uses of his beloved rockets to explore and master space. He was the author of Investigations of Outer Space by Rocket Devices (1911) and Aims of Astronauts (1914).  It was Tsiolkovsky who used mathematics and physics to study and model the manner in which they operated, called rocket dynamics.  In 1903 he published the rocket equation in a Russian aviation magazine.  Called the Tsiolkovsky formula, it established the relationships among rocket speed, the speed of the gas at exit, and the mass of the rocket and its propellant. This equation is the basis of much of the spacecraft engineering done today.  In 1929 he published his theory of multistage rockets, based on his knowledge of propulsion dynamics.
  • In 1894 Tsiolkovsky designed a monoplane that was not flown until 1915. He built the first Russian wind tunnel in 1897.
  • He also thought about the uses of his beloved rockets to explore and master space.
  • He was the author of Investigations of Outer Space by Rocket Devices (1911) and Aims of Astronauts (1914).
  • It was Tsiolkovsky who used mathematics and physics to study and model the manner in which they operated, called rocket dynamics.
  • In 1903 he published the rocket equation in a Russian aviation magazine.
  • Called the Tsiolkovsky formula, it established the relationships among rocket speed, the speed of the gas at exit, and the mass of the rocket and its propellant.
  • This equation is the basis of much of the spacecraft engineering done today.
  • In 1929 he published his theory of multistage rockets, based on his knowledge of propulsion dynamics.
Korolev, Sergei Pavlovich (1907-1966) Soviet Chief Designer, responsible for creating the first long range ballistic missiles, the first space launchers, the first artificial satellite, and putting the first man in space..

Korolev, Sergei Pavlovich (1907-1966) Soviet Chief Designer, responsible for creating the first long range ballistic missiles, the first space launchers, the first artificial satellite, and putting the first man in space..

Y.A Gagarin was the first astronaut who flew Into space on board ‘VOSTOK 1” in 1961, April 12. His flight lasted for 108 minutes

Y.A Gagarin was the first astronaut who flew

Into space on board ‘VOSTOK 1” in 1961, April 12. His flight lasted for 108 minutes

V V.N. Tereshkova was the first woman in space. She flew into space in June 16 1963 V.NV V.VV 8

V V.N. Tereshkova was the first woman in space.

She flew into space in June 16 1963




 Answer the questions: (p.20 Ex.64)  -Who was the first cosmonaut?  -Who was the first person to invent the idea of space rockets?  -Who constructed the first spaceship?  -Who was the first man to take a walk in space?  -Who was the first man on the Moon?  -Who was the first woman in space?

Answer the questions: (p.20 Ex.64)

-Who was the first cosmonaut?

-Who was the first person to invent the idea of space rockets?

-Who constructed the first spaceship?

-Who was the first man to take a walk in space?

-Who was the first man on the Moon?

-Who was the first woman in space?

Fill in the gaps with the following words: launched, planets, spaceship, cosmonaut, satellite, explored, research.   The____ flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute. Yuri Gagarin was the first___ in the world. The government spends money on scientific____. I saw ____ and began to move towards it. They’ve ____ their own solar system. The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main ___ in the solar system. The satellite was ____ into space three days ago.  (Keys: spaceship, cosmonaut, research, satellite, explored, planets, launched )

Fill in the gaps with the following words: launched, planets, spaceship, cosmonaut, satellite, explored, research.

  • The____ flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute.
  • Yuri Gagarin was the first___ in the world.
  • The government spends money on scientific____.
  • I saw ____ and began to move towards it.
  • They’ve ____ their own solar system.
  • The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main ___ in the solar system.
  • The satellite was ____ into space three days ago.

(Keys: spaceship, cosmonaut, research, satellite, explored, planets, launched )

Complete the following sentences.    Ann:  And we s… billions of dollars on s… research. This money should be used for medical r… . Keys: spend, space, research

Complete the following sentences.


And we s… billions of dollars on s… research. This money should be used for medical r… .

Keys: spend, space, research

Complete the following sentences.       Felix: By e… space we may find another p… that we can l… on. We must learn to t… not only about this g… but about f… generations as well. Keys: exploration, planet, live, think, generation, future

Complete the following sentences.

Felix: By e… space we may find another p… that we can l… on. We must learn to t… not only about this g… but about f… generations as well.

Keys: exploration, planet, live, think, generation, future

Reading  Translate some word-combinations:  a) первый полет  б) пролетая над землей  в) вид горизонта  г) вышел в космос  д) сила притяжения


Translate some word-combinations:

a) первый полет

б) пролетая над землей

в) вид горизонта

г) вышел в космос

д) сила притяжения

Match the two parts of the statements.  1. The spaceship flew at the speed of  2. I saw for the first time with my own eyes  3. When weightlessness developed  4. I felt excellent as     a) I entered space.     b) 300 miles a minute.     c) the Earth’s spherical shape.     d) everything was easier to do.

Match the two parts of the statements.

1. The spaceship flew at the speed of

2. I saw for the first time with my own eyes

3. When weightlessness developed

4. I felt excellent as

a) I entered space.

b) 300 miles a minute.

c) the Earth’s spherical shape.

d) everything was easier to do.

Home task: p.20 Ex.65 Learn by heart the words and make up 15 sentences with them

Home task:

p.20 Ex.65

Learn by heart the words and make up 15 sentences with them

Today at the lesson we’ve:  We have learned about… We have done… We have read… We have written…

Today at the lesson we’ve:

  • We have learned about…
  • We have done…
  • We have read…
  • We have written…


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