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Презентация "Banksy" на английском языке.

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«Презентация "Banksy" на английском языке.»

Genius or Vandal?

Genius or Vandal?

WHO IS BANKSY? It is accepted that Banksy is the nickname of a British underground street artist, political activist and director. He began to create graffiti in the 1990 in Bristol with DryBreadz Crew.


It is accepted that Banksy is the nickname of a British underground street artist, political activist and director. He began to create graffiti in the 1990 in Bristol with DryBreadz Crew.

"If you want to be heard, you'd better speak in a mask."

Many of Banksy’s pieces are political or social  commentary. He criticizes what he thinks is wrong with society.

Many of Banksy’s pieces are political or social  commentary. He criticizes what he thinks is wrong with society.

FAME As Banksy has become more famous, he produces more work that is less like traditional graffiti and more like art. He has even had several exhibitions.


As Banksy has become more famous, he produces more work that is less like traditional graffiti and more like art. He has even had several exhibitions.

«Barely Legal» In 2006 opened an exhibition in Los Angeles called

«Barely Legal»

In 2006 opened an exhibition in Los Angeles called "'Barely Legal"



War and its consequences This work shows us the evolution…The evolution of not a person, but a murder weapon. More and more dangerous weapons are being developed and used every year. The use of which, in the future, can lead to the genocide of people, and ultimately the monkey will become the final branch of evolution, as well as its beginning.

War and its consequences

This work shows us the evolution…The evolution of not a person, but a murder weapon. More and more dangerous weapons are being developed and used every year. The use of which, in the future, can lead to the genocide of people, and ultimately the monkey will become the final branch of evolution, as well as its beginning.

Idols of modern teenagers This painting is one of the most popular works that we constantly meet on the Internet and in any social networks, without knowing who the author of this work is.Currently, the number of likes, comments and subscribers among modern teenagers (and not only among teenagers) has become one of the main desires, goals in their lives.

Idols of modern teenagers

This painting is one of the most popular works that we constantly meet on the Internet and in any social networks, without knowing who the author of this work is.Currently, the number of likes, comments and subscribers among modern teenagers (and not only among teenagers) has become one of the main desires, goals in their lives.

0% INTEREST IN PEOPLE This work called


This work called "0% INTERESTINPEOPLE", which means "0% interest in people", quite briefly and correctly describes the relationship between people in modern realities. There are few people who will want to help another, unfamiliar, person, thinking that it is not his business.

thank you for attention

thank you for attention


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