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План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия . Игра -марафон "Holidays"

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«План-конспект внеклассного мероприятия . Игра -марафон "Holidays"»



Тема: “Holidays”.


практическая – актуализация страноведческого материала;

воспитательная – воспитание уважения к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка;

развивающая – развитие памяти, внимания; развитие умения работать в коллективе и принимать совместное решение;

образовательная – расширение и закрепление знаний о праздниках Великобритании, Канады, США и страноведческой информации.

Форма проведения внеклассного мероприятия: игра-марафон.

Средства: презентация, компьютер, карточки и мешочек для жребия.

Оформление помещения: название игры на доске.

Литература и ресурсы:

  1. https://kopilkaurokov.ru/angliiskiyYazik/meropriyatia/vnieklassnoie_mieropriiatiie_dlia_7_klassa_improve_your_english

  2. УМК “Forward”Вербицкая М.В.


Teacher : Good afternoon, students and our dear teachers! We are very glad to see you here! It’s very important to know the traditions and customs of English-speaking countries to know their language. So, today we will dive more into the atmosphere of the holidays and test your knowledge about them Now let’s split into 3 teams. Here we have a bag with pieces of paper with names of your teams in them. So, come here, draw a lot, form your teams and don’t forget to choose the captain!

Teacher : Now we have three teams: Chinese New Year, Russian Christmas and Woman’s Day. Captains, hands up, so everybody knows you! Great! During today's game we will have a point system. The team with the biggest score at the end of the game wins.

Teacher : The most important rule is a “hand” rule. You must not scream your answers aloud. You raise your hand and have your right to answer. If anyone says any answer aloud or when it’s not your turn - the whole team gets minus 30 points.

Let’s start the game!

  1. Many and even more”

Teacher : In the 1st contest you are to name as many holidays as possible. You will get a point for each named holiday. The team who named more will receive 1 extra point. Start now! (1 holiday - 10 points)

  1. Guess the holiday”

Teacher : Good job! Now you will watch videos in which people celebrate some holidays and your task is to guess the holiday right. (1 guess - 50 points)

Включаются 6 видео по очереди с празднованием Mother’s day, Halloween, Thanksgiving day, Independence day, Christmas, Guy Fawkes night.

Team 1: Mother’s day, Halloween; team 2: Thanksgiving day, Independence day; team 3: Christmas, Guy Fawkes night.

  1. Jeopardy!”

Teacher : Well, I think you all know the game on the Russian TV called “Своя игра”. But if you don’t, it’s OK. The original name of this game show is “Jeopardy!” /ˈdʒepədi/ which means “Рискуй!”. In this contest you are to choose the section on the screen and answer the question or do the task.

Teacher: The first team to pick a section is the one with the lowest score. You will have time to discuss your ideas. Other groups should also try to find an answer. When another group is ready, the leader raises his/her hand. If the first team answers successfully, it will receive the whole amount of points. If the answer is close to the right one then you’ll get only a half. The other half is for the team that answers correctly. The first group to give another answer is the one that raises their hand earlier. (50-400 points)

Category 1: New Year

(100) In Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela and some other Central and South American countries, people wear special underwear of different colours on New Year's Eve. Red is supposed to be good for bringing ______ in the new year, while yellow is supposed to bring ______.

  • health, good harvest

  • good luck, happiness

  • love, money

Answer: Red is supposed to be good for bringing love in the new year, while yellow is supposed to bring money.

(200) Another name for Chinese New Year that celebrates the beginning of a new year is ________.

  • Spring festival

  • Winter festival

  • New moon festival

Answer: Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.

(300) Russia began to celebrate New Year on January, 1st and had its first Christmas tree during the reign of _________.

  • Peter I the Great

  • Lenin

  • Ivan IV the Terrible

Answer: Russia began to celebrate New Year on January, 1st and had its first Christmas tree during the reign of Peter the Great.

(400) Russia has almost half (minus one) of all time zones. How many times can you celebrate New Year in Russia?

Answer: There are 24 time zones. Russia has 11 time zones. So, you can celebrate New Year 11 times in Russia.

Category 2: Women’s Day

(100) Women do the lowest-paid jobs and earn less money for the same work as men do. This difference in pay is called _________.

  • general pay gap

  • gender pay gap

  • female pay gap

Answer: The difference in pay is called the gender pay gap.

(200) What colour do women wear on International Women’s day in honor of the women who campaigned for women's right to vote?

  • pink

  • red

  • purple

Answer: Many women wear purple, a colour worn by women who campaigned for women's right to vote.

(300) In 1908, this amount of women in New York went on strike because of low pay and terrible conditions in the factories where they worked. Later, in 1975 the United Nations declared 8th March International Women's Day.

  • 15,000

  • 45,000

  • 7,500

Answer: In 1908, 15,000 women in New York went on strike.

(400) Very few women are in power. Most of the countries’ presidents and kings are men. Across the world, less than 15 per cent of the world's countries have a female ______ (6 letters).

Answer: Across the world, less than 15 per cent of the world's countries have a female leader.

Category 3: Challenge

(100) Sing the “Happy Birthday” song together. (Everyone has to sing 🙂)

(200) Sing a New Year or a Christmas song together.

(300) Sing a song for your Valentine. It has to be a song about love.

(400) Make a Christmas tree with your team.

4. “Match them!”

Teacher : Great great! Now let’s check your knowledge of dates connected with holidays. You are to match the date and the holiday. But it’s not as easy as you may think. You should do this as fast as you can! So, captains, come here, this is your contest. Start now! (1 right match - 20 points)

Mother’s Day

25th December

Independence Day

5th November


14th February

Thanksgiving Day

22nd March

New Year

11th November


31st October

Guy Fawkes Night

Sunday of March or April

St. Valentine’s Day

4th July

St. Patrick’s Day

1st January

April fool’s Day

4th Thursday of November


1st April

Memorial Day

17th March

The right variant:

Mother’s day

22nd March

Independence day

4th July


31st October

Thanksgiving day

4th Thursday of November


25th December

Guy Fawkes night

5th November

St. Valentine’s day

14th February

April fool’s day

1st April


Sunday of March or April

New Year

1st January

St. Patrick’s Day

17th March

Memorial Day

11th November

Teacher : Well, you managed to do all these contests, good job! Now we need some minutes to count your points. Watch this video while we do it.

Teacher : So, we’ve counted every point you earned and the results are:...

You did a great job today! We hope that you had fun today!

Учетная карточка команд

Название конкурса

Chinese New Year

Russian Christmas

Women’s day

Many and even more

Guess the holiday


Match them!



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