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My village-презентация о селе - к уроку в 4-5 классах

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Презентация в краткой форме повествует о месте, где живем.Будет полезна в качестве образца по темам-"Город и сельская местность","Места для визита" и др в 4-5 классах по умк Биболетовой

Оформление -фото, сделанные учащимися.Совместная работа учителя и учеников вызывает положительные эмоции и способствует повышению мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

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«my village-презентация о селе - к уроку в 4-5 классах»

Hello! My name is  Darina Kutcherenko.  I’ll show you Sidory  today!

Hello! My name is Darina Kutcherenko. I’ll show you Sidory today!

First of all, I’ll take my visitors to the heart of our village --- the Palace of Culture.

First of all, I’ll take my visitors to the heart of our village ---

the Palace of Culture.

On the territory of the school we’ll see a lot of playgrounds.
  • On the territory of the school we’ll see a lot of playgrounds.
Next day we’ll visit the shops and a stadium.
  • Next day we’ll visit the shops and a stadium.
And of course we’ll try to go on a picnic in our wood and sit on the banks of the river Tishanka…
  • And of course we’ll try to go on a picnic in our wood and sit on the banks of the river Tishanka…
Next day we’ll visit the monument for heroes.
  • Next day we’ll visit the monument for heroes.
Then we’ll visit a kindergarten.
  • Then we’ll visit a kindergarten.
Sidory is a mixture of old and new buildings and there is a lot to see and learn about in it….

Sidory is a mixture of old and new buildings and there is a lot to see and learn about in it….

 You are welcome!!!   Have a nice tour!

You are welcome!!!

Have a nice tour!



It is made by Darina Kutcherenko.  Form 5
  • It is made by
  • Darina Kutcherenko. Form 5


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