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Музыка и подростки

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«Музыка и подростки»


Автор: Нечепуренко Ольга Васильевна

МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа

им. Е.Р. Дашковой с углубленным

изучением отдельных предметов» г.Кременки

Music and Teenagers

Music gives a soul to the universe,

wings to the mind,

flight to the imagination

and life to everything



People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments. Music is one of the most important parts of our life and plays a very important role in people's lives. You can hardly find a person who doesn't like or need music and who never sings or dances. And that's why I'm interested in the influence of music on teenagers. Taking into account the fact that most students today have mobile phones, and according to the results of my survey, 100 per cent of school children use them regularly for listening to songs.

The actuality of the research work is that many teenagers like to listen to music, but do not know how it affects their lives.

The problem of the research work is:

to find out how music affects teenagers.

The goal of the research work is:

to learn as much as possible about the influence of music on the lives of teenagers.

  The tasks of the study are:

1. to study the necessary literature on the research problem;

2. to do a survey among the students of the school and find out their musical preferences;

3. to find positive and negative sides of the influence of music on teens;

4. to make a conclusion;

5. to release a collection of my favourite songs.

The object is musical preferences of the students of secondary school after E.R. Dashkova.

I use such methods as:

  • reading articles in books and textbooks;

  • getting information from the Internet;

  • making a survey;

  • questionnaire;

  • analyses and comparison.

The results of my research will be useful and valuable for the students and teachers of my school. I plan to place the results of the research in the Internet.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundation of the problem

Many ancient philosophers about music

Music for teenagers can manifest itself in many different ways. Many researchers talk about the "Mozart effect", a study that helps answer the question "how does music affect teenagers? The Mozart effect is a theory that says that teenager who listen to certain types of music such as classical music will be brighter, more skilled in terms of motor abilities, and will have higher cognitive skills than teenager who do not listen to this type of music. They will also learn faster and retain more information than teenagers who do not listen to certain types of music.

Pythagoras is the creator of the concept of rhythm. Everyone has the ability to find the necessary rhythm in all life events - not only in singing, dancing or playing musical instruments, but also in ideas, actions, speech.

According to another ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, the power of a country depends on the music in it. Musical melodies and rhythms have the power to change people, to make them like music. In his view, only high music should be allowed in a country, music that captivates people, makes them create a new world, raises them to a higher level.

Democritus recommends listening to music if you have an infectious disease. Specialists explain that music is not just a combination of pleasant sounds. It is an art that reflects life.

Music and teenagers

Music plays an important role in young people's lives. It even determines their lifestyle and fashion. Teenagers try to imitate their favourite musicians in appearance, clothing and lifestyle.

Hippies originally tried to emulate the Beatles: long hair and ripped clothes. People who prefer heavy metal like to dress in leather and plenty of iron jewellery. Young people in Russia prefer different styles of music.

The influence of music on teenagers

Every teenager who listens to music interprets the lyrics differently. Every genre of music gives its own message to teenagers. Some may have positive actions, while others have negative actions. In some genres, like rock, the positive effects outrun the negative, and in some genres, like rap, the exact opposite happens.

Most popular types of music in history

  1. Rock 'n Roll. Some teens say that Rock and roll is the best. Rock is the best kind of music. Nothing will ever come close to it.

  2. Pop. The most commercial genre of music. Popular all over the world. We hear pop music every day.

  3. Jazz is one of the most popular and youngest genres in music, and there are many options to choose from. It's pleasant to listen to and easy to catch the rhythm.

  4. Folk. It's a genre of folk music. I think this genre, unfortunately, is losing its popularity. Although in recent years I often hear folk songs in modern arrangements. It sounds very cool!

Chapter 2 – Practical part (Research part)

The results of student’s questioning

In practical part of my research, I want to show the results of investigation that I have done. I asked students of my school the following questions:

  1. What kind of music do you especially like?

111 pupils were asked these questions.

Based on the figures in this study, I conclude:

the most popular style of music is Pop-music and Rap;

  • Classical music takes the second place;

  • then – Rock ,n Roll;

  • last – Folk, Jazz, Punk, Country.

As for me, my favourite genre is Chamber pop music. I think it connects people all over the world, helps them express their feelings and helps them understand their experiences and thoughts. One of my favourite singers is Billie Eilish. For example, I really like the song Lovely. And I want to show it to you. (видеозапись собственного исполнения)

  1. How often do you listen to music?

Examining the results reveals some interesting facts. The results are quite mixed. About 50 per cent of teenagers listen to music for four to six hours a day and another 16 per cent1 listen to at least twelve hours a day.

  1. Do you prefer music in English or in your own language?

  2. Do you translate the English songs?

The results of the survey showed that songs in Russian dominate the playlists of the pupils, and only 49 per cent of the pupils listen to songs in other languages. What was important for me in the study was the news that only 74 per cent of the teenagers always translate the lyrics of foreign songs, 26 per cent do not do so at all.

The survey shows that the older the students are, the more attention they pay to the translation of songs. Younger students often don't understand the meaning. After the survey, some students thought about translating songs before they started listening to songs in English.

  1. There are so many ways to discover, buy and listen to music. What's the best way for you?

The research allows me to delve deeper into the most common ways in which teenagers search for music. From the results of the survey, I now understand how teenagers search for music.

Amazingly, I now know that 1 per cent of students will hear either a familiar or new song on the radio and 60 per cent 2will download or watch it online afterwards.

Music: one of the biggest forms of media activity Online is teenagers' first choice for listening to music. 28 per cent of teenagers said they listen to music on YouTube, while only 1per cent said they use the radio. 3 per cent said they listen to songs bought on iTunes and only 5 per cent still listen to CDs.


In conclusion, I want to say that pop music and classical music are best suited for listeners and their health. These kinds of music arouse positive emotions. Classical music creates the psycho-emotional state of serenity, calmness and safety. As for pop music, it causes high spirits and the wish to dance. It is good to listen to them when you are upset or depressed. On the contrary, metal has a negative effect on teens’ health. It is associated with emotional splash, aggression and violence. Bad events are remembered. Consequently, it is better to listen to it as rarely as possible or avoid doing it at all. All things considered, I can say that one needs to listen to his or her body and learn to live in harmony with it. Very often, listening to your favorite songs helps restore mental balance, retreat from everyday life. Perhaps music is the shortest and easiest path to happiness and joy. Further research in this area, will provide more information and allow even more to understand about the influence of music on the human state in general.

Recommendation. I recommend a collection of my favourite songs to the teenagers who like to listen to music and to those who have a deep emotional feeling. (Сборник любимых песен в собственном исполнении, аудиозапись)

  1. My Song «Lovely» (Billie Eilish)

  2. My Song «My heart will go on» (Céline Dion)

  3. My Song «Что такое осень» (Группа ДДТ)

  4. My Song «Dusk till dawn» (Zayn)

List of literature

  1. Алпатова, А. С. История музыки. Архаика в мировой музыкальной культуре: учебник для вузов / А. С. Алпатова; отв. ред. В. Н. Юнусова. — 2-е изд. — М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2019. — 247 с.

  2. Браудо, Е. М. История музыки: учебник / Е. М. Браудо. — М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2018. — 444 с.

  3. Новикова С.С. Видеозапись. Собственное исполнение песни Lovely (Billie Eilish). -Кременки-2021

  4. Новикова С.С. Сборник любимых песен в собственном исполнении, аудиозапись.-Кременки-2021

  5. Володихин Д.А. Музыка наших дней. // Современная энциклопедия. - М.: Аванта, 2002. - 428с.

  6. Герцман, Е. В. История музыки. Пифагорейское музыкознание: учебник для вузов / Е. В. Герцман. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2018. — 261с.

  7. Зильберквит М. Мир музыки. - Москва: Детская литература, 1988. – 128 с



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