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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему:London is the capital of Great Britain. Sightseeing in London. Transport in London. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives.

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The aim of the lesson:

Educational: introduce with the history of London.  To study   about sights of London.

To discuss with students about city which is a capital of Great Britain, about London to work but lexical material? To application of knowledge in practice, handling existing potential in a particular situation, fixing ability and skills monologues.

Developing: To enrich the students’ vocabulary, to enrich the students’ speech practice, way of thinking, to practice their identifying accents. To develop of oral communication skills. To format of flexible and variable abilities to speak, to develop of comprehension skills of foreign speech at the hearing. To develop critical thinking, logical speech, to improve the habits in group work.

Bringing up:  To get interested in the language, to bring up students to love and respect their Motherland and respect the culture and traditions of other countries. Promoting respect for language skills actively and productively work in a team. To develop the ability to work individually, in pairs, in the collective development of the cognitive interest in the culture of another country, strengthening the ability to observe, compare, To develop of creative abilities.

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«Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку на тему:London is the capital of Great Britain. Sightseeing in London. Transport in London. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives.»

Subject: Foreign language

Date: 10.02.2017

Time: 11.00-12.20

Place: 201 auditoria

Lesson: 22

The theme of the lesson: London is the capital of Great Britain. Sightseeing in London. Transport in London. Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives.

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: introduce with the history of London. To study about sights of London.

To discuss with students about city which is a capital of Great Britain, about London to work but lexical material? To application of knowledge in practice, handling existing potential in a particular situation, fixing ability and skills monologues.

Developing: To enrich the students’ vocabulary, to enrich the students’ speech practice, way of thinking, to practice their identifying accents. To develop of oral communication skills. To format of flexible and variable abilities to speak, to develop of comprehension skills of foreign speech at the hearing. To develop critical thinking, logical speech, to improve the habits in group work.

Bringing up: To get interested in the language, to bring up students to love and respect their Motherland and respect the culture and traditions of other countries. Promoting respect for language skills actively and productively work in a team. To develop the ability to work individually, in pairs, in the collective development of the cognitive interest in the culture of another country, strengthening the ability to observe, compare, To develop of creative abilities.

The type of lesson: Combined lesson.

Methods of the lesson: training, question – answer, dialogue, individual work, pair work, group work, ICT, method “catch a question”, oral speech, visual and practical method, elements of game technology.

Inter – subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History, Maths.

Visual aids: Grammar table, cards, interactive board, slide show.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment:


T: Good afternoon, dear students and our guests!

S: Good afternoon, teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you.

S: We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please.

I see you are ready. Now I want to know:

- What date is it today?

-What day is it today? -Today is Friday.
- Is anybody absent today? 

II. Brainstorming.

- Look at the screen attentively. Please, try to guess “What are we going to speak about at our lesson?” A game Who is quicker?”







1.Which is twelfth letter of the English alphabet?

2. Which is fifteenth letter of the English alphabet?

3. Which is fourteenth letter of the English alphabet?

4. Which is fourth letter of the English alphabet?

5. Which is fifteenth letter of the English alphabet?

6. Which is fourteenth letter of the English alphabet?














-You are right. Today we have a new theme, we will speak about London. Sightseeing and transport in London. And I will tell you how to use prefixes and suffixes of adjectives.

III. Checking up the home task: (Проверка домашнего задания)

T: Let’s checking up your home task. Are you ready?

S: - Yes.

T: Finish the sentences:

1. Great Britain is a constitutional……….monarchy.

2. Parliament…………. is the most important authority in Britain.

3. Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the ….House of Lords; and the ………House of Commons.

4. Parliamentary elections must be held every ..5 years.

This means that it has a monarch (a king or a queen) as its Head of the… State.

5. Today, Her Majesty……….. Queen Elizabeth II is the Head of the State.

6. The………. monarch serves formally as head of state.

7. The ………….Prime Minister is the virtual ruler of the country.

8.The Queen has her own ……….Privy Council.     

9. The House of Commons is presided over by the ………Speaker.

10. The House of Lords comprises about 1200 peers. It is presided by the Lord….. Chancellor.

11. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the….. Cabinet.

12. Parliament is responsible for British ……..national policy.

IV. Phonetic drill:

Teacher: We know the song about London Bridge. Let’s sing it for our guests!

Песня “London Bridge”

London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair Lady!

All the children laugh and play.
Laugh and play, laugh and play,
All the children laugh and play.
fair Lady!

V. Demonstration of the new language:

Преподаватель читает названия достопримечательностей. Студенты повторяют хором.

1.The Houses of Parliament - Здания Парламента

2.Westminster Abby - Вестминстерское Аббатство

3.St. Paul’s Cathedral - Собор Святого Павла

4.Trafalgar Square

(Nelson's Column) - Трафальгарская площадь (Колонна Нельсона)

5.Piccadilly Circus - Площадь Пикадили

6.The Tower of London - Тауэр (Лондонская крепость)

(Bloody Tower, White Tower) (Кровавая башня, Белая башня)

7.Tower Bridge - Тауэрский (Лондонский) мост

8.The Buckingham Palace - Букенгемский дворец

9.Hide Park - Гайд-парк

10.St. James’s Park - Парк святого Джеймса

11.Regent’s Park - Редженс парк

12.Big Ben - Биг Бен

13.British Museum - Британский музей

14.London Eye - Колесо обозрения

Let's read their names.

Т: Look at the screen. Read this proverb and translate it.

“ It's better to see something once then to hear about it a hundred times”


Т:Would you like to see and learn about these London attractions?

Today you will virtual show and tell about the sights of London agents of travel company Semenak Roman and Rahmettulaev Miras

Introduction of the new material: (Ознакомление с новой темой)

Мирас: Hello! I am an agent of a travel company .Today we’ll make a trip to London. I ’ll also speak about this country, about the most famous sights of London you’ll learn some interesting facts about the sights.

Роман: Hello! Welcome to our round London sightseeing tour. I'm glad to show you the most famous sights of London.

Мирас: Dear friends, please do during a virtual travel London do yourself travel notes.

Mирас: What attracts tourists to Great Britain? Look at the screen. And now let's start excursion.

Роман: London is the capital of the Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural center. It's one of the largest cities in Europe. Its population is more than 9 million people. London is situated on the river Thames. London is one of the oldest and most interesting cities in Europe. It was founded more than two thousand years ago. London was founded by the Romans in 43 A.D. and called Londinium. London is divided into several parts: West End, East End, the City and Westminster.

The Heart of London is the City, It's financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are situated there, including Bank of England. Westminster is the historic, the governmental part of London. The West End is the richest and more beautiful part of London. It's the symbol of wealth and luxury. The best hotels, shops, restaurants, clubs and theatres are situated there.

The East End was once the poorest district of London - with lots of factories and docks, narrow streets and unimpressive buildings. Today the district is changing very fast. There are huge offices and new blocks of flats in the East End.


(slide) Tower of London.

You can see the Tower of London. It was fortress, a royal palace and late a prison. The Tower of London was founded by Julius Caesar and rebuilt by William the Conqueror. It comprises not one, but 20 towers. The oldest part of the Tower is the Square building called the White Tower. Now it is a museum. There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall.

Лондонский Тауэр.
(slide) Westminster Abbey.

You can see the Westminster Abbey is a symbol of England. It was built in 1065. The ancient large church in London in which the coronation ceremony of almost all the English kings and queens has taken place.

(slide)The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there.

(slide)Big Ben.

You can see the Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. The English people built the tower and the clock in 1858. The bell weights 13 tons. The man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall and his friends called him Big Ben. So they called the clock and the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament Big Ben.

(slide) Tower Bridge.

You can see the Tower Bridge Was built in 1894. It is one of the famous bridges across the Thames.

(slide) Trafalgar Square

You can see the Trafalgar Square is a place where different meetings take place. In the middle of this square there is Nelson Column.

(slide) Buckingham Palace

You can see the Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its courtyard. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.

(slide) St. Pauls Cathedral

You can see the St. Paul’s Cathedral – is the greatest work of England’s greatest architect, Sir Christopher Wren. It was built in 17 th century .There are memorials to many famous men of England.

(slide) the Tate Gallery.
London is very rich in museums and art galleries. If you are fond of painting you'll go to the Tate Gallery. A rich sugar manufacturer Henry Tate founded it in 1897.

(slide) British Museum

You can see the British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world.
The present building was built in 1852.

(slide) Hyde Park.
You can see the Hyde Park is the property of the royal family. It is famous for its outdoor entertainments and its Speaker’s Corner. On a Sunday morning you can make a speech about something you believe to be very important.

(slide) Royal Parks

Bushy park, Green park, Greenwich park, Hyde park, Kensington park, Richmond park,

Королевские парки
(slide) St. James’s Park

(slide) London Zoo

In the Regent’s Park there is London Zoo. It is one of the world’s biggest and oldest scientific zoos. It was opened in London on April 27, 1828, and was originally intended to be used as a collection for scientific study. It was eventually made open to the public in 1847. Today it houses a collection of 755 species of animals, with 15104 individuals, making it one of the largest collections in the United Kingdom.

(slide) London Eye

The London Eye has become the most popular paid visitor attraction in the UK. It was designed by architects David Marks, Julia Barfield and Malcolm Cook. The height of the London Eye is 135m.

Each rotation takes 30 minutes. The total weight of the wheel and capsules is 2,100 tones.

(slide) Piccadilly Circus

You can see the Piccadilly Circus has become an important meeting point - for as well as sightseers. At its heart is a bronze fountain topped by a figure of a winded archer, known as Eros, the pagan god of love. This area is now famous for its theatres, clubs and shops.

(slide)Transport in London

If it has only one floor it’s called a single-decker.If it has two floors it’s called a double-decker and you can get a good view from the top level.A double-decker bus has an upstairs (top) and downstairs (inside). For longer distances take a long distance bus called a coach which is slower but cheaper.

(slide) double-decker busses

The red double-decker busses, one of the most familiar symbols of London life. High 'double-decker' buses rise above the smaller cars and vans.

(slide) London's black taxis can be hired anywhere.

(slide) The Tube is the popular name for the underground system in London.

single-decker a double-decker a coach

Mирас: Thank you for attention!

Роман: Please, answer the questions.

If you go to London what you like to see?
If you go to London where would you like to go?

T: Thank you for your tour sights. Go to your place.

VII. Physical culture Minute.

VIII. Practical part:

T: Let’s play competition game. The 1st group and the 2nd group. Name your groups.


The 1-st task. Listen to my statements and say if they are true or false.

1. Hundreds of years ago the Tower was a fortress. T

2. Big Ben is the smallest clock in Britain. F

3. London is the capital of Scotland. F

4. William the Conqueror built St. Paul’s Cathedral. F

5. The Tower of London was a prison. T

6. The Tower of London is a museum now. T

7. The West End is the poorest part of London. F

8. Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen. T

9. London Eye is a famous London theatre. F

10. Nelson's Column is in Trafalgar Square. T

Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

The 2-nd task. Complete the sentences.

  1. London is the ___________ of Great Britain.

  2. Its population is about _____ people.

  3. London lies on the banks of the river ___________.

  4. ___________ is the heart of London.

  5. ___________ is part of London where working people live.

Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

The 3-rd task. Game :“Guess” Match the pictures with the words.

  1. Big Ben -e

  2. The Tower of London -h

  3. The British Museum-i

  4. Buckingham Palace-f

  5. Westminster Abbey-a

  6. The House of Parliament-c

  7. The Tower of Bridge-b

  8. Nelson’s Column-g

  9. London Eye - d

  1. b)

C d)

e) f)

g) h)


Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

The 4-th task. Quessing game “What place of interest in London?” Students, look at the screen, here are given pictures and the definitions of each picture, your task is to find the name and the right definition to each sightseeing.

It is a place where mass meetings and demonstrations take place. It is in the center of the west End of London. (Trafalgar Square)

  1. This is the place where members of Parliament gather to make laws. (The Houses of Parliament)

  2. It is the great bell clock which strikes the hour. ( Big Ben)

  3. It is the largest and richest museum in the world. It was founded in 1753. It has mountains of books. (British museum)

  4. It is the most famous historical building in London which was built in the 11-th century. (The Tower of London)

  5. It is the place where the Queen meets important visitors such as kings, queens or presidents. (Buckingham Palace)

You must write answer on the following way, using only figures and letters

Students, we`ve done a lot of tasks concerning? The UK. Let`s conduce our lesson.

Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

The 5-th task. You have to do the test about London sights. You have 2 minutes.

1. London stands on the river... a. Thames b. Volga c. Neva

2. Who gave London its first name? ( The Romans.) a.the Egyptians b.the Greeks c.the Romans

3. London Zoo is in ... a. Hyde Park b. Regent's Park c. Kensington Gardens

4. Big Ben is... a. a palace b. a bell c. a square

5. You can see Speaker's Corner in ... a. St. James's Park b. Green Park c. Hyde Park

6. The country's leaders speak in ... a. the Houses of Parliament b. Big Ben c. Buckingham Palace

7. Whisper Gallery is in ... a. Westminster Abbey b. St Paul's Cathedral c. Buckingham Palace

8. The oldest royal residence is...

a) Buckingham Palace b) The Tower of London c) Westminster Abby d) Covent Garden e)The City

9. What is the best-known building designed by Christopher Wren?

a) St. Paul's Cathedral; b) the Tower of London; c) Westminster Abbey

10. What’s the popular name for the underground system in London? (The Tube.)

a. the Tunnel b. the Channel c. the Tube

11. What is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square? ( Nelson’s Column.)

a.Big Ben b.Main Post Office c.Nelson’s Column

12. Who heads the government of Great Britain? (The Prime Minister.)

a.The Prime Minister b.The Queen c.The Lord Chancellor

Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

The 6-th task. Read and match.



3. Buckingham

4. Westminster

5. The Tower of

6. The Houses of

7. The Tower of








1-e 2-f 3-a 4-b 5- c 6-g 7-d

Thank you, the winner is……………………………team. You receive your Golden Tickets.

IX. Grammar revision: Prefixes and suffixes of adjectives.

Adjective - Forming Suffixes (Суффиксы прилагательных)

Inspiration Ex 10 p 27

Inspiration Ex 10 p 39

X. Conclusion.

Giving the home task:

Teacher: -Write your home task. Your homework is reading and translating text p 234,399

Giving marks.

Teacher: - You’ve got a lot of interesting information about London. You have the Golden travel tickets to visit these wonderful places of your dream.

Well I give you marks. You all did a good job today. Your marks are excellent.

Reflection stage

Teacher: At the end of our lesson I would like you to answer this question: “What emotions do you feel?” and explain your answers. These supporting notes will help you.

-Take a sticker and write about your feelings. Students write on a sticker and put them on a blackboard.

If the lesson was interesting for you, show the positive emotions ☺ 

If the lesson was boring, show the negative emotions   ☹  

Teacher: -Our lesson is over. We've made so much today and as a conclusion of our lesson I wish you be always happy. Let's say "Good-bye" to our guests and students


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