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Лексико-грамматический тест 10 класс(модуль 8)

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Лексико-грамматический тест 10 класс(модуль 8) Spotlight 10

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«Лексико-грамматический тест 10 класс(модуль 8)»

Test Module 8 ( 10 form)

1 Fill in: edit, memory, digital, store, flickering, consider, freak, hook, laptop, move, flapping,

1.       The family of my friend ________ the opportunity of buying a cottage in Greece.

2.       She is really _____ on using social networks.

3.       Ask Steve to help you _____ your letter of application.

4.       ____ cameras replaced their forerunners long time ago.

5.       This rock band is very popular, it has a lot of concerts, that’s why it is on the ____ all the time.

6.       The witness said that she had seen a _____ light in the window.

7.       When they came into the room, they saw that it was empty, the window was opened and the curtain was ______ in the wind.

8.       Do you really ______ this important information on your _____?

9.       I need to change the _______ card for my camera.

10.    Young people are crazy about gadgets nowadays. They are really techno ____.

2. Form verbs from the words in brackets.

1.       After the robbery, the owner of the shop decided to ( tight).

2.       You need to ( short) the skirt, it’s too long for you.

3.       He is sure, that photos help people to ( memory) the best moments of their life.

4.       New courses ( able) pensioners to use computers without anybody’s help.

5.       Her aim is to ( large) the collection of coins up to 10000 units.

3. Turn the sentences into the reported speech.

     1. Mary said: “ I bought a new printer yesterday.”

     2. John said: “ I’m writing an essay at the moment”.

     3. Carry said: “ I think the batteries are flat”.

     4.  The policeman said: “ You must wear a crash helmet”.

     5. My mother told me: “ Turn off the stove”.

     6. Paula asked: “ Can you change the password?”

     7. Tony asked: “ What colour headphones did you choose?”

     8. My parents told me: “ Don’t buy useless gadgets.”

4. Fill in: on, up, about, back.

      1.  He brought _____ the loudspeakers he had taken yesterday.

      2. New system has brought ____ big changes in hoe the firm work.

      3. The boys were brought ___ by their granny.

      4. Did you catch flu? What brought that ___?

5. Fill in: at, in, under, out of, on

       1. Fiona wasn’t sure ____ first, but now she uses her new device all the time.

       2. They have been thinking for a long time, and ____ the end they’ve made up the decision.

       3. Our football team can’t play well ____ pressure.

      4. He is always ____ the laptop these days.

      5. The microwave oven is _____ order for a month.


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