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Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс

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Pages 58 - 60 are very helpful for English teachers in everyday using. 

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«Лексико - Грамматический Практикум Rainbow 10 класс»

Put the prepositions in proper sentences: in, off, on, out, up №13

  1. We have signed ___ four new members of staff.

  2. When you arrive at the hotel you must sign _____ at the reception.

  3. Sarah made up her mind to sign ___ for guitar courses.

  4. I’ll sign both of us _____ as we are leaving.

  5. If you want to work with this website you have to sign ____.

  6. Doris has been writing her essay for three hours already she really should sign ___.

  7. A famous professor of linguistics is delivering a lecture tomorrow, you should sign ____ for it.

  8. In summer we need to sign ____ another assistant to help us.

  9. When you decide to move house, sign ____ with your landlady.

  10. How do you sign ____ the talk when your granny calls?

Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences:

  1. Four cars were damaged in a car (incident/accident) yesterday.

  2. The pilot mentioned a minor (incident/accident) on board.

  3. One of the passengers (accidentally/incidentally) refused to sit near the window.

  4. Mike found out that his cousin was in hospital by (accident/incident).

  5. The wedding reception passed without an (incident/accident).

  6. They have quarreled again. it was a typical (incident/accident)of their daily routine.

  7. Don’t make such a fuss – it was an (incident/accident).

  8. The (incident/accident) on the road was caused by bad weather.

  9. (incidents/accidents) can happen, but nevertheless people should remain friends.

  10. We met them (accidently/incidentally) on the other side of the church.

  11. Once the car is washed and polished it will look (as/like) a new one.

  12. “(as/like) your mother I don’t let you go to the night club alone”, Mrs Morrison told her daughter.

  13. Tom didn’t show up again. That’s just (like/as) him.

  14. It as a small animal (as/like) a tiny squirrel.

  15. Jenny looks (as/like) her granny.

  16. (as/like) Greg was leaving, the phone rang.

  17. I have to admit India was nothing (as/like) what I was expecting.

  18. (as/like) you see, Jeremy suffers from a strong pain. Choose the appropriate words to complete the text: People are used to (1) ____ their expenses. But no less important is budgeting your time. Schools are set up to (2)____ many subjects and many skills. Pupils (3)______ wide knowledge. But what is the most (4)_____ way to budget your time? This is often the hardest question for people to answer. Not all (5)_____ assignments are pleasant to do, some of them are really difficult. Isn’t it natural to put (6)_____ doing the things which are dull or (7)_____ too much time? But the thing is when such tasks are postponed, time always seems to (8) _____ before they are done. Thus, it is a “must” to budget your time. The best way to do it is to fulfill the school assignments first and (9) _____ the time left over to other enjoyable but less important activities.

  1. A) Budget b) budgeting c) among d) during

  2. A) Teach b) learn c) study d) understand

  3. A) Learn b) own c) buy d) acquire

  4. A) Affected b) ineffective c) effective d) affectionate

  5. A) School b) learn c) studying d) learning

  6. A) Off b) out c) to d) up

  7. A)Ask b) respond c) request d) require

  8. A) Run out b) run on c) run off d) run down

  9. A) Devoid b) devote c) devolve d) devour


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