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Контрольный тест за 2 четверть 7 класс Spotlight 7

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«Контрольный тест за 2 четверть 7 класс Spotlight 7»

Контрольный тест по английскому языку за 2 четверть

7 класс

Вариант - 1

  1. Аудирование (Listening)

Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct answer. Прослушайте диалоги и выберите правильный ответ.

  1. What does Alice look like today?

a) b) c)

  1. What does Sally enjoy doing the most?

  1. b) c)

  1. Where did Lori and Kimberly go?

  1. b) c)

  1. What is Annabel’s hair like?

  1. b) c)

  1. What did Emily and Gloria decide to do?

  1. b) c)

 II. Чтение (Reading)

Match the text and the title. One title is odd. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами. В задании одна тема лишняя.

  1. Out-of-town shopping.

2. The best shopping street.

3. Sales and discounts.

4. Shopping by mail is convenient.

5. Internet shopping.

A. Mary has already started doing her Christmas shopping on-line. She usually spends about £300 on presents and pays for them on her debit card. She is buying food from supermarket shopping services and has ordered1 books and CDs from on-line bookshops. Buying on-line saves her a lot of money, and it’s a lot nicer staying at home than having to go out in the High Street.

B. Many small street shops are closing because people prefer to drive to shopping complex outside town. There they can park their cars without problems and do all their shopping in one place. In a British shopping complex, you usually find a supermarket, big and small shops, and a few cafes. Most of the new shopping complexes are near big roads.

C. Mail-order shopping is very popular because it saves time. Shoppers2 can find goods3 in a mail-order catalogue, on TV, or in a newspaper or magazine. A number of mail-order companies accept4 phone orders twenty-four hours a day and most have toll-free5 numbers.

D. Many Americans like sales6. They shop at stores that sell goods at a discount. An item on sale can cost 50%, 40% or 30% from the normal price. Sales are advertised7 in newspapers, on radio on TV, or by mail. Stores compete8 with each other by reducing their prices and staying open in the evening. Many shops work seven days a week and sometimes until 10.00 at night.

1 order – заказывать; заказ 5 toll-free – бесплатный

2 shopper – покупатель 6 sale – распродажа

3 good – товар 7 to be advertised – быть разрекламированным

4 accept – принимать 8 compete – конкурировать

III. Лексика (Vocabulary) и грамматика (Grammar)

  1. Match words, phrases and translations. Соедините слова, словосочетания и их перевод. Запишите букву ответа.

  1. after a while

A в углу комнаты

  1. the lights flicker

B громкий храп

  1. a power cut

C смех; смеяться

  1. scary stories

D исчезнувший

  1. a loud gasp

E немного спустя

  1. a loud snore

F отключение электричества

  1. in a corner of the room

G тяжелый вздох

  1. vanished

H уютный вечер

  1. laugh

I страшные истории

  1. a cosy evening

J лампочки мигают

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple. Запишите форму глагола в лист ответа.

1. Last Friday John (meet) his uncle in the city center. 
2. Agatha Cristie (write) over thirty novels. 
3. Arthur Conan Doyle (create) the detective, Sherlock Holmes.
4. Sherlock Holmes (wear) a cape and (smoke) a pipe. 
5. Hercule Poirot (catch) many criminals. 
6. Hercule Poirot (be) a Belgian detective.
7. The professor and Axel (find) a mysterious message. 
8. How (Axel and professor/ travel)? 
9. (Miss Marple/live) in England? 
10. I (not help) Cory with his homework yesterday. 

Контрольный тест по английскому языку за 2 четверть

7 класс

Вариант - 2

  1. Аудирование (Listening)

Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct answer. Прослушайте диалоги и выберите правильный ответ.

  1. What does Alice look like today?

a) b) c)

  1. What does Sally enjoy doing the most?

  1. b) c)

  1. Where did Lori and Kimberly go?

  1. b) c)

  1. What is Annabel’s hair like?

  1. b) c)

  1. What did Emily and Gloria decide to do?

  1. b) c)

 II. Чтение (Reading)

Match the text and the title. One title is odd. Установите соответствие между текстами и их темами. В задании одна тема лишняя.

  1. Internet shopping.

2. Sales and discounts.

3. The best shopping street.

4. Shopping by mail is convenient.

5. Out-of-town shopping.

A. Mary has already started doing her Christmas shopping on-line. She usually spends about £300 on presents and pays for them on her debit card. She is buying food from supermarket shopping services and has ordered1 books and CDs from on-line bookshops. Buying on-line saves her a lot of money, and it’s a lot nicer staying at home than having to go out in the High Street.

B. Mail-order shopping is very popular because it saves time. Shoppers2 can find goods3 in a mail-order catalogue, on TV, or in a newspaper or magazine. A number of mail-order companies accept4 phone orders twenty-four hours a day and most have toll-free5 numbers.

C. Many small street shops are closing because people prefer to drive to shopping complex outside town. There they can park their cars without problems and do all their shopping in one place. In a British shopping complex, you usually find a supermarket, big and small shops, and a few cafes. Most of the new shopping complexes are near big roads.

D. Many Americans like sales6. They shop at stores that sell goods at a discount. An item on sale can cost 50%, 40% or 30% from the normal price. Sales are advertised7 in newspapers, on radio on TV, or by mail. Stores compete8 with each other by reducing their prices and staying open in the evening. Many shops work seven days a week and sometimes until 10.00 at night.

1 order – заказывать; заказ 5 toll-free – бесплатный

2 shopper – покупатель 6 sale – распродажа

3 good – товар 7 to be advertised – быть разрекламированным

4 accept – принимать 8 compete – конкурировать

III. Лексика (Vocabulary) и грамматика (Grammar)

  1. Match words, phrases and translations. Соедините слова, словосочетания и их перевод. Запишите букву ответа.

  1. laugh

A в углу комнаты

  1. a loud gasp

B громкий храп

  1. a power cut

C смех; смеяться

  1. scary stories

D исчезнувший

  1. a loud snore

E немного спустя

  1. the lights flicker

F отключение электричества

  1. in a corner of the room

G тяжелый вздох

  1. vanished

H уютный вечер

  1. after a while

I страшные истории

  1. a cosy evening

J лампочки мигают

  1. Put the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в форме Past Simple. Запишите форму глагола в лист ответа.

1. Last Friday John (not meet) his uncle in the city center. 
2. Jules Verne (write) about seventy novels. 
3. Arthur Conan Doyle (not create) the detective, Hercule Poirot.
4. Sherlock Holmes (smoke) a pipe. 
5. Miss Marple (catch) many criminals. 
6. (Hercule Poirot/live) in Belgium?
7. (Dr. Watson/help) Sherlock Holmes? 
8. How (Captain Nemo/ travel)? 
9. I (not help) Cory with his homework yesterday. 
10. (Miss Marple/live) in Australia? 

Контрольная работа за 2 четверть

2021-2022 уч. Год 7 класс


Лист учителя МАКСИМУМ 29 БАЛЛОВ

I. Аудирование (Listening)

Testbooklet, аудиозапись №4 Модуль 3.

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. c

  1. Чтение (Reading)

1. B

2. D

3. C

4. A

III. Лексика (Vocabulary) и грамматика (Grammar)


1 - E

2 - J

3 - F

4 - I

5 - G

6 - B

7 - A

8 – D

9- C

10- H

III. Лексика (Vocabulary) и грамматика (Grammar)


1. Last Friday John met his uncle in the city center. 
2. Agatha Cristie wrote over thirty novels. 
3. Arthur Conan Doyle created the detective, Sherlock Holmes.
4. Sherlock Holmes wore a cape and smoked a pipe. 
5. Hercule Poirot caught many criminals. 
6. Hercule Poirot was a Belgian detective.
7. The professor and Axel found a mysterious message. 
8. How did Axel and professor travel
9. Did Miss Marple live in England? 
10. I didn’t help Cory with his homework yesterday

Составитель: Кузьмина Н.С.

Test 3A/3B – Listening

1 What does Alice look like today?

Woman 1: Look at Alice. She’s all grown up.

Woman 2: Yes, she looks very different.

Woman 1: She’s beautiful! I remember when she was

a little girl she used to have the cutest pigtails.

Woman 2: Do you remember how curly her hair was?

Woman 1: How can I forget? The only thing that is

the same is her freckles.

Woman 2: Oh, yes. I loves her freckles!

2 What does Sally enjoy doing the most?

Boy: So Sally, how was your weekend? Did you go

ice-skating like you said?

Girl: Well, I wanted to go with Ann, but she got

sick. Besides, I’m not that fit, anyway. I prefer

doing things that are more artistic.

Boy: Oh, you mean like painting?

Girl: Well, I find painting really boring. Actually,

I’m really interested in songwriting.

3 Where did Lori and Kimberly go?

Lori: I had a great time, Kim! Thanks so much for

inviting me.

Kimberly: Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it, Lori.

Lori: And I loved the costumes!

Kimberly: Yeah me, too! Cynthia Smothers was

fantastic! She looked so big on stage in that


4 What is Annabel’s hair like?

Boy: Is that you, Annabel? Wow! I love your hair

like that. It looks so much better long.

Girl: Thank you!

Boy: Your hair used to be straight, right?

Girl: Yeah, I got tired of my hairstyle and I wanted

a different look.

Boy: Well, curly hair really suits you. You look


5 What do Emily and Gloria decide to do?

Gloria: I’m so tired of sitting around all day! Why

don’t we go out? We could see that new play at

the Roundhouse? You know, the one that’s won so

many awards.

Emily: (hesitant) Well… I don’t know. How about

watching a DVD instead?

Gloria: But Emily, we did that last night.

Emily: Oh, yeah. Right. Um, what about the cinema,

then? We could see the new James Bond film.

Gloria: OK. Great!

Контрольная работа за 2 четверть

2021-2022 уч. Год 7 класс


Лист учителя МАКСИМУМ 29 БАЛЛОВ

I. Аудирование (Listening)

Testbooklet, аудиозапись №4 Модуль 3.

1. с

2. с

3. a

4. c

5. b

  1. Чтение (Reading)

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. C

III. Лексика (Vocabulary) и грамматика (Grammar)


1 - C

2 - G

3 - F

4 - I

5 - B

6 - J

7 - A

8 –D

9- E

10- H

III. Лексика (Vocabulary) и грамматика (Grammar)


1. Last Friday John didn’t meet his uncle in the city center. 
2. Jules Verne wrote about seventy novels. 
3. Arthur Conan Doyle didn’t create the detective, Hercule Poirot.
4. Sherlock Holmes smoked a pipe. 
5. Miss Marple caught many criminals. 
6. Did Hercule Poirot live in Belgium?
7. Did Dr. Watson help Sherlock Holmes? 
8. How did Captain Nemo travel
9. I didn’t help Cory with his homework yesterday. 
10. Did Miss Marple live in Australia? 

Составитель: Кузьмина Н.С.

Test 3A/3B – Listening

1 What does Alice look like today?

Woman 1: Look at Alice. She’s all grown up.

Woman 2: Yes, she looks very different.

Woman 1: She’s beautiful! I remember when she was

a little girl she used to have the cutest pigtails.

Woman 2: Do you remember how curly her hair was?

Woman 1: How can I forget? The only thing that is

the same is her freckles.

Woman 2: Oh, yes. I loves her freckles!

2 What does Sally enjoy doing the most?

Boy: So Sally, how was your weekend? Did you go

ice-skating like you said?

Girl: Well, I wanted to go with Ann, but she got

sick. Besides, I’m not that fit, anyway. I prefer

doing things that are more artistic.

Boy: Oh, you mean like painting?

Girl: Well, I find painting really boring. Actually,

I’m really interested in songwriting.

3 Where did Lori and Kimberly go?

Lori: I had a great time, Kim! Thanks so much for

inviting me.

Kimberly: Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it, Lori.

Lori: And I loved the costumes!

Kimberly: Yeah me, too! Cynthia Smothers was

fantastic! She looked so big on stage in that


4 What is Annabel’s hair like?

Boy: Is that you, Annabel? Wow! I love your hair

like that. It looks so much better long.

Girl: Thank you!

Boy: Your hair used to be straight, right?

Girl: Yeah, I got tired of my hairstyle and I wanted

a different look.

Boy: Well, curly hair really suits you. You look


5 What do Emily and Gloria decide to do?

Gloria: I’m so tired of sitting around all day! Why

don’t we go out? We could see that new play at

the Roundhouse? You know, the one that’s won so

many awards.

Emily: (hesitant) Well… I don’t know. How about

watching a DVD instead?

Gloria: But Emily, we did that last night.

Emily: Oh, yeah. Right. Um, what about the cinema,

then? We could see the new James Bond film.

Gloria: OK. Great!


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