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Контрольная работа за 4 четверть для 9х классов английский язык УМК Rainbow English (Радужной английский) О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой

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«Контрольная работа за 4 четверть для 9х классов английский язык УМК Rainbow English (Радужной английский) О. В. Афанасьевой, И. В. Михеевой»

Unit 4 (9 класс к.р.)

Being a Teenager.

Test Yourself

1 You will hear five people speaking about their best friends. Listen, (70) , and match the statements (a—f) with what the people (1—5) say. There is one statement you don’t have to use.
a) The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her teacher.
b) The speaker explains that his/her best friend is his/her parent.
c) The speaker talks about his/her classmate as the best friend.
d) The speaker considers his/her coach (trainer) to be his/her best friend.
e) The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her relative.
f) The speaker says his/her best friend is his/her neighbour.

2 Read the text “Teens’ Problems” and match its paragraphs (1—5) with the titles (a—f). There is one title you don’t have to use
a) Teenagers Choose Different Ways to Talk to Their Friends
b) It’s Too Easy for Teens to Get Drinks and Cigarettes
c) British Teenagers Have a Number of Serious Problems
d) Fewer Teenagers Have Only One Person for a Friend
e) Grown-ups See Teens’ Problems in the Wrong Way
f) Teenagers Are Very Much Afraid of Losing Their Friends
Teens’ Problems
1. What do you think the biggest problem of today’s teenagers is? What are they like? The facts about teenage life may seem shocking. These are some facts typical of British teenagers:
•33% of UK teens say they began drinking alcohol at the age of thirteen or younger. British teens drink more alcohol than teens anywhere in Europe.
•Four out of ten teenagers know so little about cooking that they can’t even make an omelette.
•One in every four teens smokes.
•9% of UK teens never read books for pleasure.
•75% of UK teens have their own television and watch it many hours a day.
•One in every five UK teens is overweight.
•64% of 15-year-old girls take less than half an hour’s exercise a day.
•More than 5% of pupils leave school with no qualifications for working life.
2. The situation is more or less the same in other European countries. Naturally most parents worry about their teenage children. But if you ask them what the most serious problem is, they will probably answer that it’s drugs, but they are wrong.
3. For a lot of young people the most important problem is their relationships, especially with their friends. Nothing, it seems, can be worse than falling out with your best friends. Teenagers discuss any problem they may have with their friends. If they fall out with their friends, then there is no one to speak to. This can seriously influence their mental health.
4. Today teenagers think more and more about friends. It is interesting that young people nowadays have larger groups of friends than twenty or thirty years ago. Having a group of people to hang out and socialize with seems safer than having one exclusive relationship with one person, especially if something goes wrong. Some teenagers even say that couples are a thing of the past.
5. Communication seems very important to 11—16-year-olds. 82% of them have a mobile phone and spend a lot of money talking with friends. 45% of UK teens regularly surf the Net. 60% of teens say they are happy to give out their e-mail addresses. And many of them don’t like to discuss things with their parents. When they are asked such questions as “What’s wrong?” or “What did you do at school?” they usually answer “Nothing” or “Whatever”. They spend a lot of time in their rooms because they prefer to be alone.

3 Complete the text with the derivatives of the words on the right. (certain, free, shape, moral, harm, race)
In our school we (1)_________________ have personal (2)______________. But we also must keep to the rules. Our school has a “dress code” which means that teens at school are not allowed to wear (3)_________________clothes, in other words clothes several sizes too big. Due to reasons of morality girls are asked not to wear short skirts and T-shirts that show their stomachs. You can’t find many books in our library, because the school officials find some scenes in the texts(4) _______________ or

(5) _______________. School newspapers are looked through by our school officials to make sure there are no articles with messages of (6)____________________________ or hatred in them.

4 Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) There were two socks on the sofa but I couldn’t put them on as they were not a(couple/ pair).
2) The other day Tom told us such a joke that we all (shook / had shaken)with laughter.
3) I always touch (by/on) these problems when I speak to teenagers.
4) Rachel says Roy is her loyal friend so it is most(likely/ unlikely) that he won’t support her.
5) Whatever I do, she is always angry (for/with) me.
6) Why are you shaking all (through/over)?
7) There was a beautiful picture (on/at) the bottom of the page.
8) I don’t expect you (find/to find) out what was wrong in the experiment now.
9) Make him(-/to) come back whatever he says.

5Write the following in English
1) Читать вслух; _____________________________________________________________

2) порвать что-то о ветку; _____________________________________________________

3) восстать против чего-либо; __________________________________________________

4) новобрачные;________________________________________________________________

5) на верху страницы;___________________________________________________________

6) трястись от смеха; ___________________________________________________________

7) довольно трудно (4 варианта) ;_________________________________________________

8) чувствовать досаду (раздражение) ; _____________________________________________

9) завернуться во что-то; ________________________________________________________

10) затронуть проблему._________________________________________________________


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