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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия "Word Competition"

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Конспект внеклассного мероприятия "Word Competition" в рамках неаудиторной занятости в 5 классе.

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«Конспект внеклассного мероприятия "Word Competition"»

Внеклассное мероприятие для 5 классов « Word competition»

T: Good afternoon students and our guests. Welcome to our Word Competition!At first, look at the pictures,please. What do they have in common? (слайд 2)

S: Both of them have different parts.

T: Yes,that’s right!Like a Lego creator, the words have their own small “bricks”.And today we’ll learn to use different “bricks” to make new words.

T: Now let’s divide in two groups and think of your team’s name(1 min).Are you ready?

S: The first group is “Word builders”, the second group is “Word creators”

T: At the beginning of our competition you’ll listen to the song. What’s is it about?

S:It’s about the Jobs

T:And what similarity do theу have?

S: Suffixes.

T:Now, find all “job’s” suffixes and hang on the other side of the board.(2 min)Well done!

T2:And the next task for you: Each group has its own package, which contains parts of the words, you should put them together. Which team is quicker, that wins.(5 min)

T1: It’s time to check your knoweledges. The teams have a list of jobs, you have to choose the correct suffix for the word, then match pictures to the Jobs.(3 min) (приложение)

T2: Answer my question, please. Do you like riddles? let’s play.

T1: Each of us has these useful things at home. You should read the explanation and guess: What’s this?

T2: And the last task. I give for everybody a paper with one ‘word-brick” You should find a partner, who has another part. When you do this, you will make one sentence with one of the words. Be attentive, there is an odd “brick’(6 min)

T1: Do you like our competition? We think ,the friendship wins today. Finally I’d like to know .What do you feel about our competition? Choose a picture. You can see a noun on a back side, you should make an adjective from noun to describe your mood now.


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