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Инсценировка калмыцкой народной сказки на английском языке "Суслик, баклан и лиса"

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Перевод калмыцкой народной сказки о животных на английский язык.

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«Инсценировка калмыцкой народной сказки на английском языке "Суслик, баклан и лиса"»

Подготовила и перевела на английский язык

Усунцынова Иляна Владимировна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №18 им.Б.Б Городовикова» г.Элисты

Инсценировка калмыцкой народной сказки «Баклан, суслик и лиса»

на английском языке

A Cormorant, a Gopher and a Fox.

Once there lived a Cormorant near the pond under a big tree. One day a Fox came there. It was very angry and hungry.

Fox: Give me your egg or I`ll drink the water from the pond and gnaw the tree.

Cormorant: Oh, take it!

(The Cormorant was scared very much, gave his egg to the Fox and began to cry. Suddenly the Gopher saw the Cormorant.)

Gopher: Why are you crying?

Cormorant: The Fox has taken my egg. She wanted to drink the water from the pond and gnaw the tree.

Gopher: Well, next time when the Fox comes ask her: “Where is your skill that helps you to drink the water? Where are your beautiful teeth which can gnaw the tree?”

Cormorant: Ok, thank you very much.

(Soon the Fox came)

Fox: Give another egg or I`ll drink the water from the pond and gnaw the tree.

Cormorant: Where is your skill that helps you to drink the water from the pond? Where are your beautiful teeth which can gnaw the tree?

Fox: Who has taught you to say so?

(The Cormorant was scared and confessed.)

Cormorant: The Gopher has.

(The Fox began looking for the Gopher across the steppe. At last She has found it in the burrow.)

Fox: Who is there? Who is so nice as a hare?

Gopher: I am.

Fox: Aha!!!

Gopher: If you are a bad animal you will eat me right now. But if you are a good animal you will eat me on the count of “8”.

(And the Fox began to count)

Fox: One….

(The smart Gopher ran into his burrow. And the Fox is staying alone with the open mouth.)


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