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"Handmade" in English. Analayzing of English words/

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«"Handmade" in English. Analayzing of English words/»

«Handmade» in English

В наши дни, когда люди говорят о своих увлечениях часто можно услышать такие фразы:

-Я увлекаюсь скрапбукингом. Скечингом. -А мне нравиться ярнбомбинг и квиллинг.

Не всем, конечно же, понятно значение этих слов, хотя они незаметно вошли в наш русский язык. И мне стало интересно значение этих слов ,формообразование и есть ли иной более понятный всем перевод этих слов на русский язык что я, и постаралась осветить в своей работе.

Good afternoon dear teachers and students. My name is Anastasia Bukareva. I am a student of the 8 Th form. I’d like to introduce my scientific work about the modern handicraft so called “Handmade”. It has become very popular now days.

The aim of my work is to analys the English “handmade” words, their translation into Russian,the meaning and if people understаnd these words.

The object of study is handmade handicraft.

Different people have different hobbies. A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports. Tastes differ. As for me and my family we are very creative, imaginative and big fans of handmade.

Handwork in our family is a traditional activity. My grandmother mastered perfectly the macramé technique. My mum embroiders beautifully and knits perfectly. Having such relatives I simply could not remain indifferent, so I started to sketch in my free time. I have a great album of these sketches than came patchwork, linework and now it is scrapbooking.

Practical part

Look at the list of 10 morden handicraft words wich have English origin. These are patch+work, scrapbooking, sketching, linework, quilling, yarnbombing, fusing, lampwork, iris folding.(показслайдов)

As you know, word formation is the creation of a new word.There are a number of methods of word formation.We see only two ways of word formation of words related to handmade.

1) Compound words are two or more words linked together to produced a new word with a new meaning:




2) The word formed with the suffix –ing




3. Translation

Of course all these words came into Russian language. There is no Russian equivalent to these words. Patchwork in English is пэчворк in Russian too. table

It is quite difficult to understand the meaning of the words if your English is not well enough.

To be sure we made a questionnaire and conducted a survey among our schoolmates. We ask students of 8-10 forms. About 73students took part in our survey, 15 teachers agreed to do it.


And you see the results of the questionnaire on the screen: diagramma

Most of our schoolmates don’t understand the meaning of these words- 62%, know 4,5 words- 22%, 6/7 words- 9%.

May be we really do not need an English “patchwork”, “linework” it is better to call it with the Russian word “лоскутноешитье” , “работаслиниями”. But these words do not sound so loud and fashionable. They are not of interest. All these words are understandable for people who are fond of modern handmade.

3.4 Interview “Why do you prefer handmade gifts”

Doing this work, it became very interesting for me to learn the opinion of our students and teachers about hand-made crafts.People in different ways relate to needlework, especially to objects made with their own hands. For some, it seems too cheap and useless, others admire and appreciate very highly the item made with hands. And I interviewed my classmates and teachers. They were asked the following questions:

1. Подарок или вещь сделанная своими руками. Как вы относитесь к рукоделию «HANDMADE»?

2. Do you like handmade items? Why is handmade….?

97% of students and teachers are for handmade they like handmade gifts very much.

Only 3% prefer another gifts to handmade ones.

HANDMADE is very popular in the Internet. Thousands of websites,you tube channels,social networks VK,ODNOKLASSNIKI,INSTAGRAM offer a great variety of lessons in handicraft, sell their handmade items, have Internet shops.When I looked through social networks I found many familiar people from our town and from our school who are fond of needlework. I began to communicate with them by messages and met with some personally. The biggest find for me is Elina Yukhimets, she graduated our school in 2002. She lives in Ufa. As a student, she was engaged in English handicrafts in patchwork style, scrapbooking etc. She answere my questions and showed her works.screenshot

A lot of students of our school are fond of sketching.

3.6 An interesting fact. Yarnbombing in Ufa.

Of course, you can see many works done in the style of handmade, which are of English origin. But I can not mention about one of the rare forms of creativity - yarnbombing. Look , how beautifully the streets are decorated in Ufa it is the yarnbombing style becomes very popular now days.


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