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Дидактический материал по теме "Еда, способы приготовления пищи" для уроков английского языка

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«Дидактический материал по теме "Еда, способы приготовления пищи" для уроков английского языка»

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«Волгодонский техникум информационных технологий,

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ТЕМА 1.9

Еда, способы приготовления пищи,

традиции питания


2017 г.


Britain has its own cuisine and some excellent traditional food. Unfortunately, good British food can be difficult to find. Only a few restaurants in London serve British food which comes from all parts of the country. Kent is the garden of England and is famous for apples and cherries. Most of fish comes through the ports of Yarmouth and Hull. Scotland is the home of salmon and whisky. Whisky is Britain’s most valuable single export product. Lamb is the national dish of Wales. Cider apples come from the orchids in the south-west. Watercress is a local speciality in Hampshire. There are more than 30 different local kinds of cheese. The British make their special style of beer, called bitter. There is also a black beer with a thick, creamy head known as stout that comes from Ireland.

People in Britain as well as throughout the world spend less time cooking.

Most people only have cereal or toast for breakfast during the week, but some still have a full cooked breakfast. A standard full English breakfast may consist of fried bacon and eggs with mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, fried bread, sausages, a toast with marmalade and tea with milk, of course. In Scotland for breakfast they prefer porridge with salt.

Most people do not cook their lunch. They prefer to dine out or buy some takeaway food. People in Britain are more likely to eat fast food than to go out to eat in a posh restaurant. A hamburger and French fries is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain, but not all fast food is American and Chinese or Indian. Fish and chips are the classic British takeaway food. People also like to eat baked potatoes filled with cheese and other fillings and pizza with different toppings.

A lot of people in Britain eat instant or convenience food in the evening during the week to save time and effort. For many families, the main meal of the week is Sunday lunch, perhaps roast beef with Yorkshire pudding.

1. Does Britain have traditions in food?

2. Is it easy to find British food in London’s restaurants?

3. What is Kent famous for?

4. What places does fish come from?

5. What part of the UK is the home of whisky?

6. Where do cider apples come from?

7. What is a local specialty in Hampshire?

8. Is there much cheese in Britain?

9. What is bitter?

10 What other kind of beer has a thick, creamy head? Where does it come from?

11. Do people cook much throughout the world?

12. What do the British have for breakfast?

13. Do the British often have a cooked breakfast?

14. What does a standard British cooked breakfast consist of?

15. Which of dishes do you like?

16. What do the Scottish prefer for breakfast?

17. Do you cook your lunch?

18. Do the British cook their lunch? Why?

19. Where do they have their lunch?

20. Do you often eat fast food?

21. What is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain?

22. Do you often dine out?

23. Is all fast food American?

24. What is a classical British takeaway?

25. What do the British eat in the evening?

26. What is the main meal of the week for many families?

27. What do you eat for supper?

28. How late do you have supper?

29. How many meals a day do you have?

30. What is your favourite dish?


You work in an office somewhere in New-York. You are very busy. You have only some twenty minutes for lunch. You go out into the street. You want to get your food and buy a newspaper… and get back to the office. So what do you eat? Fast food, of course – a sandwich, a burger or a slice of pizza. Your choice may be a McDonald’s restaurant. Do you know anything from the history of the McDonald’s company?

1937 Dick and Mack McDonalds open their first drive-in restaurant in California.

1948 The brothers get special paper boxes and bags for their hamburgers. They decrease the price from 30 cents to 15 cents a hamburger. The restaurant becomes self-service. It is cheaper and cleaner than its competitors. It becomes popular.

1960s The McDonald’s company opens hundreds of restaurants all over the country.

1991 They open their first restaurants abroad.

Now the company opens a new restaurant every eight hours. There are more than 15,000 restaurants in over 70 countries.

McDonald’s restaurants serve almost the same food in every country with some local specialities.

Заполните таблицу, распределив различные продукты по соответствующим колонкам.

peas sole, beef, cherries, onion, milk, chicken, strawberries, yoghurt, duck, butter, potato, cheese, apple, cauliflower, lamb, celery, pork, olive, oil, cranberries, tomato, turkey, salmon, cabbage, carp, pear, perch, beans water melon, cucumber

meat & poultry


dairy & fats


fruit & berries




































Translate the following words and phrases.

Make up a menu card, putting the dishes below in the proper section.

 smoked salmon ___________________________

carrot cake ___________________________

coffee ___________________________

roast beef ___________________________

strawberries and cream ___________________________

poached sole ___________________________

Swiss cheese ___________________________

Russian tea ___________________________

chocolate fudge cake ___________________________

duck with green peas ___________________________

liqueurs ___________________________

garden soup (a vegetable soup with herbs) ___________________________

Italian salad ___________________________

cherry tart ___________________________

English tea ___________________________








Изучите предлагаемое Вам меню. Выберите блюда. Расскажите официанту, что бы Вы хотели заказать. Используйте фрагменты приведенного ниже диалога.

Waiter: What would you like? 

Client: I would like … for a starter. 

Waiter: Would you like some wine? 

Client: No, thank you. I would like a glass of beer. 

Waiter: Anything else? 

Client: Salmon with cauliflower sauce, please.

Waiter: Would you like a piece of cake?

 Сlient: Yes, I’d love one.

 Waiter: With black coffee? 

Сlient: It looks lovely. Yes.  

Eating habits

Read these texts and say if it is the same in your country. Participate in discussion after each passage.

A. In the UK, afternoon tea is traditionally a rather formal meal where you drink tea and eat small sandwiches (especially cucumber sandwiches), scones, and cakes. Not many British people now have this type of meal at home, but it is still served in some hotels and in special tearooms that serve tea in delicate, finely painted cups.

B. Baked beans are a favourite food of many children in Britain. 'Sausage, beans and chips' is also a typical meal served in a café. Some people like to have beans on toast as a quick simple meal. Baked beans are considered by some people to be junk food, eaten by people who are lazy to cook something better, although other people think that they are good for you.

C. In Britain, people often eat cereals such as cornflakes with milk for breakfast. Some people like to have toast with marmalade or jam, and they drink a cup of coffee or tea, or a glass of orange juice. Some hotels, cafes, and B and B's serve a 'full English breakfast', a cooked meal consisted of eggs, bacon, and sausages with grilled tomatoes or mushrooms and sometimes baked beans. On cold days, some people like to have porridge for breakfast. Porridge used to be eaten mostly in Scotland, but it is now popular in all parts of the UK.

In the US, most people eat serials such as cornflakes with milk for breakfast and they drink a cup of coffee or a glass of juice. Toast, or toasted English muffins are also popular. In the winter, might have hot cereals such as oatmeal (=porridge) or cream of wheat. If someone wants a bigger breakfast, they might have eggs, bacon or sausages and sometimes hash browns. People in the US also eat eggs, bacon, and sausages with pancakes or waffles that are covered with butter and maple syrup and served on the same plate as the meat and eggs.

Look through the texts again and complete the following sentences:

1) In the UK, afternoon tea is traditionally a rather formal meal where you


2) Baked beans are a favourite ________________________________________.

3) Baked beans are considered ________________________________________.

4) Some hotels, cafes, and B and B's serve a 'full English breakfast':



5) On cold days, some people like _____________________________________.

6) In the US, most people eat _________________________________________.

7) People in the US also eat eggs, bacon, and sausages with _____________________________________.


1) drink tea and eat small sandwiches (especially cucumber sandwiches), scones, and cakes.

2) food of many children in Britain.

3) to be junk food.

4) a cooked meal consisted of eggs, bacon, and sausages with grilled tomatoes or mushrooms and sometimes baked beans.

5) to have porridge for breakfast.

6) serials such as cornflakes with milk for breakfast.

7) pancakes or waffles that are covered with butter and maple syrup.


Proverbs and sayings

Appetite comes with eating.

Аппетит приходит во время еды.

You are what you eat.

О вас судят по тому, что вы едите. / Вы то, что Вы едите.



The usual meals in Britain are: breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than they have on the Continent, through some English people like a continental breakfast of rolls, butter and coffee. But the usual English breakfast is porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade made from oranges with buttered toasts and tea or coffee. For a change, you can have a boiled egg, cold ham or, perhaps, fish.

People in Britain generally have lunch about one o’clock. A businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch, and so he goes to a café or restaurant; but if he is making lunch at home, he has cold meat (left over probably from yesterday’s dinner), potatoes, salad and pickles with a pudding of fruit to follow. Sometimes people have a mutton chop or steak and chips followed by biscuits and cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch.

Afternoon tea you could hardly call a mean but it is a sociable sort of thing as friends often come in then for a chat while they have their cup of tea with cake or biscuit.

In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. In a great many English homes people make the midday meal the chief one of the day and in the evening they have the much simpler supper – an omelette or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs, and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

Some people also have “high tea”. They say there is no use for these afternoon teas where you try to hold a cup of tea in one hand and a piece of bread and butter about as thin as a sheet of paper in the other. They have it between five and six o’clock, and have ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad or sausages with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter, then stewed fruit, with cream or custard and pastries or a good cake. And that’s what and Englishman calls a good tea.


a traditional meal

традиционная еда

a continental breakfast

континентальный завтрак

a roll





кукурузные хлопья



a buttered toast

обжаренный кусок хлеба с маслом

a boiled egg

вареное яйцо



a restaurant


left over from yesterday’s dinner

оставшийся от вчерашнего обеда


маринованные овощи

a pudding of fruit

фруктовый пудинг

a mutton chop

котлета из говядины





a sociable sort of thing

зд.: повод для общения

an omelette




bacon and eggs

яичница с беконом



“high tea”

плотный ужин с чаем



a tomato


strong tea

крепкий чай

stewed fruit

консервированные фрукты


сладкий заварной крем




зерновые хлопья

Answer the questions

  1. What do people eat for breakfast in Britain?

  2. When do people generally have lunch? What do people eat for lunch?

  3. What is afternoon tea?

  4. What is the chief meal of the day? What does it consist of?

  5. What do people in Britain eat for the midday meal and supper?

  6. What is high tea?

Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence below. Use these words:

Englishman, sociable sort of thing, steak, a boiled egg, “high tea”, mutton chop

  1. Some people also have … .

  2. Sometimes people have a … or … and chips followed by biscuits and cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch.

  3. Afternoon tea you could hardly call a mean but it is a … as friends often come in then for a chat while they have their cup of tea with cake or biscuit.

  4. For a change, you can have … , cold ham or, perhaps, fish.

  5. And that’s what and … calls a good tea.

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russia into English.

  1. Континентальный завтрак состоит из булочек с маслом и кофе.

  2. Традиционный английский завтрак состоит из каши или кукурузных хлопьев со сливками, яичницы с беконом и тостов с маслом.

  3. Лондонский бизнесмен идет на обед в кафе примерно в час дня, поскольку не может поехать домой обедать.

  4. На обед англичане обычно едят котлету или бифштекс с жареной картошкой, салатом и маринованными овощами.

  5. Иногда за обедом англичане выпивают стакан легкого пива.

  6. Послеобеденный чай – скорее повод для общения, чем трапеза.

  7. Обед или плотный ужин с чаем – главная трапеза английского дня.

  8. С кофе или чаем англичане обычно съедают тост с маслом и сыром или джемом, печенье или пирожное.

Exercise 3. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The Englishman never drink tea.

  2. All Englishman breakfast eat only oatmeal.

  3. People in Britain generally have lunch about one o’clock.

  4. Bacon and eggs is the national food in Britain.

  5. In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day.

Exercise 5. Read and study.


Eating at home

Еда дома

(not) to feel much like cooking

(не) любить готовить

to lay the table

накрывать на стол

to put on a little weight

прибавлять в весе

to eat for dinner (breakfast, supper)

есть на обед (завтрак, ужин)

to put it in the refrigerator

положить в холодильник

to be too expensive to eat out

слишком дорого, чтобы есть вне дома

to do smb. any harm

наносить вред кому-либо

it’s time for high tea

время для вечернего чаепития

a proper meal

основной прием пищи

What’s for breakfast?

Что на завтрак?

Help yourself (to some more).


Eating out

Еда вне дома

to eat out

есть не дома

to be sick and tired of restaurant food

быть сытым по горло ресторанной едой

it’s my treat

я угощаю

lunch is one me

я закажу ланч

to book a table

заказывать столик

to use chopsticks

пользоваться палочками

to have a snack


What kind of food would you like to have?

Что бы ты хотел?

How about having dinner together?

Поужинаем вместе?

to have a wide choice of smth.

иметь широкий выбор чего-либо

What would you like to order?

Что бы вы хотели заказать?

What’s today’s special?

Какое сегодня фирменное блюдо?

Enjoy your meal!

Приятного аппетита!

Today’s main course is …

Главное блюдо сегодня ...

Would you like to have a starter?

Вы хотели бы перекусить?

Exercise 6. Read, translate and dramatize the dialogue.

Dialogue 1

Mother: Good morning.

Son: Morning. What’s for breakfast?

Mother: The usual. Eggs, toast, and cereal. Juice, if you want.

Son: I think I’ll just have cereal for a change.

Mother: Help yourself. The cereal and sugar are on the table. The juice is in the refrigerator.

Dialogue 2

Mother: I wonder what we should have for dinner.

Daughter: Are you asking me?

Mother: Yes, I am. I really don’t feel much like cooking, but the family must eat.

Daughter: Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza or spaghetti.

Mother: So I’ve noticed. You’re putting on a little weight, aren’t you?

Daughter: I know. Don’t remind me! I’m starting a new diet day after tomorrow.

Dialogue 3

Donald: Let’s eat out, shall we?

Debra: I’m broke. I’ve gone through my paycheck for the week already.

Donald: Don’t worry about it. It’s my treat.

Debra: You are sure? You’re so generous!

Donald: And nice, too.

Debra: So, where are you talking me?

Donald: Some place you’ve never been before. Donald’s Kitchen.

Dialogue 4

Ned: I think we should get something to eat.

Linda: Are you hungry?

Ned: Hungry? I’m starving.

Linda: There is an Italian restaurant near here.

Ned: Is the food very hot?

Linda: It’s kind of hoot, but it’s very tasty.

Dialogue 5

Kato: How about having dinner together after work?

Mori: Fine.

Kato: Should we have Japanese or American food?

Mori: Whatever you say!

Kato: There is a good steak house around the corner.

Mori: That’s a good idea.

Brief History of Russian Cuisine

Russia stretches from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, neighboring many other countries. Russians speak Russian and share the same culture and traditions nationwide. An essential part of every nation is its cuisine. Ethnographers start studying every nation with its cuisine because it can reveal its history, everyday life and traditions. Russian Cuisine is no exception and is a very important part of Russia and its history.

Russian cuisine dates back to the 10th century.  Old Russian cuisine became really diverse by the 15th century. Of course it was influenced by natural and geographical conditions. The abundance of rivers, lakes and forests contributed to the appearance of dishes made from fish, game, mushrooms and berries.

In the fields they planted different grains like rye, oat, wheat, barley, buckwheat and others. They made grain porridges (каша) from it of different kinds. Porridge (каша) has always been a traditional national dish. Russians eat porridges throughout their lives: young kids eat manna-croup kasha, adults like buckwheat kasha.
As the Old Russian saying goes «Каша - матушка наша, а хлебец ржаной - отец наш родной» - (Porridge is our mother, bread is our father).
From the early times in Russia they used dough to make noodles(лапша), pelmeni (пельмени),vareniki (вареники), brown rye bread (черный ржаной хлеб) without which one cannot imagine the Russian cuisine. By the X century they got wheat grain and an assortment of pastry increased largely -  they started baking karavai (каравай), kalach (калач), pies ( пироги), pancakes (блины), oladii (оладьи) and others.

In the 9th century the most common ingredients were turnip (репа), cabbage (капуста), radish (редька), peas (горох), cucumbers (огурцы). They were eaten raw, baked, steamed, salted, marinated.  Potatoes did not appear until the 18th century, and tomatoes until the 19th century. Up until the beginning of the 19th there not hardly any salads. The first salads were prepared from a certain vegetable. That's why they got names like : cabbage salad (салат капустный), cucumber salad (салат огуречный) or potato salad ( картофельный). Later on the recipes became more complex and many salad were made from many different vegetables, sometimes with fish or meat, and they got more interesting names too: Spring (Весна), Health (Здоровье),  Sea Gem (Морская жемчужина) and others.
Hot liquid dishes appeared from the early times as well: first fish soup (уха), shchi (щи), and later borsch (борщ), rassolnik - sour soup (рассольник), and then different sorts of Soyinka (солянка). In the XIX century these liquid dishes were named Soups (супы)

Among drinks popular were kvass (квас) and different wild berries' drinks. Spices (Пряности) were used extensively since the XI century. Russian and overseas merchants brought clove (гвоздика), cinnamon (корица), ginger (имбирь), coriander (кориандр), bay leaf (лавровый лист), black pepper (черный перец), olive oil (оливковое масло), lemons (лимоны) etc. Russia was trading with western countries and was a passing way to China. 
Tea was first brought to Russia in the XVII century. As for alcoholic drinks, in the Old Russia they drank low-alcohol drinks based on honey and berries. Vodka was first brought to Russia in XV century, and was immediately banned and did not appear until the reign of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of XVI century. At that time the first Tsar Bar was opened (Царский Трактир).

Russian cuisine was not only unique because of the ingredients they used but because the food was cooked in the Russian Stove (в русской печи). They baked bread in them, brewed kvass and beer, and on stoves they dried food. And they were generally used to heat houses and many people slept on them.
The food cooked in stoves was delicious because it was heated evenly from all sides. Russian stoves are no longer used these days, even in the countryside. They have been replaced by electric stoves and microwave ovens. In the old times the food of the elite class was no different from what the common people ate. By the XVII century the food of the elite became more sophisticated, differing not only in quantity but in the serving manner and ingredients.

Tsar feasts were very pompous and huge with a great variety of dishes. The number of dishes could reach 150-200.

The sizes of dishes increased, and the duration of the banquet.  They normally started at lunch time and continued eating till late night.
XVIII century was a new era in the development of Russian society.  Peter I not only transferred the capital to St. Petersburg closer to the Western Europe and changed the calendar, he changed many traditions. Russia was becoming more and more influenced by western European cuisine, first German and then Dutch and French.
The Russian aristocracy was hiring foreign chefs that totally replaced lady-cooks. The Russian cuisine got dishes like sandwiches (бутерброды), salads (салаты) and bouillon (бульон), and a choice of pan fried dishes (beefsteaks, entrecote, meat patties (котлеты), as well as sauces (соусы), желе (jellies), creams etc. Russian traktirs (трактиры) were replaced by restaurants with waiters and hosts. Most of this did not affect the common people.
Russian food was also diverse in different parts of the country because of the different climates and nature of those parts.


Russian Cuisine

To my mind, delicious food is one of the greatest pleasures in our life. I've been living in St. Petersburg since my birth and can tell you many interesting things about its restaurants of Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese and Indian cuisine. However, first of all I'd like to share some secrets of typical Russian cuisine with you.

Russian cuisine is indeed original. Its distinctive feature is not only in original recipes but also in the fact that it reflects a certain way of life. Russian people usually have meals three times a day. In the morning they have breakfast, in the afternoon — dinner and in the evening it's time for supper.

Let us start with breakfast. This meal doesn't usually take much time to prepare, due to the fact that people, as a rule, are in a hurry for work, school or somewhere else. It may include just sandwiches, fried or scrambled eggs, corn flakes or muesli and various kinds of porridges. It can be cream of wheat, oatmeal porridge, rice or buckwheat porridge. It is more common for Russian people to drink black tea with jam or honey but there are ones who prefer coffee in the morning. You may think there is nothing special in this set of dishes. You are right. But it was a description of a typical working day breakfast, when people have little time to prepare something. Now I'd like to call your attention to breakfast of a day off.

Have you ever tried traditional Russian sirniki? I'm sure, if you live in Russia, at least once in your life your grandmother or mother prepared them for you. Nothing can be compared with sirniki, made of fresh village cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Perhaps, the only dish which is as delicious as sirniki is blini or pancakes. In Russia they say that the thinner blini are made the tastier they are. Blini are served rolled with a variety of fillings but the most delicious ones are pancakes with jam, honey and sour cream.

A traditional Russian dinner consists of three courses. It is the main meal of the day. First of all snacks are served. It can be caviar, herring, salt cucumbers and sauerkraut. All these salt dishes are served in order to excite the appetite. In general Russian cuisine is famous for its pickles.

Then comes the first course — soup. There is a great variety of different soups in Russia but the most famous is "borsch". Shchi, rassolnik, shchaveleviy soup and cold soup — okroshka are also cooked in Russia. Of course, it is not the whole list of traditional Russian soups, but these are the most popular ones.

After the soup the second course follows. It usually includes meat or fish and garnish. The Russians prefer freshwater fish like carp and pike. As for meat, it may be pork, beef, veal, lamb, turkey or chicken. The most famous meat dishes in Russia are zharkoye (stewed beef with potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic seasoned with salt and pepper), beef Stroganoff (the dish consists of pieces of beef served in a sauce with sour cream) and cutlets (the dish made of minced meat). The main course is usually served with garnish — mashed, baked or fried potatoes, pasta or vegetables. Russian people often eat pelmeni (meat dumplings) for the second course. Pelmeni are often cooked by the whole family. Firstly, the filling of minced meat is made due to the particular recipe, then they roll out the pastry and after that everybody sits at the big dinner table and makes pelmeni. Sometimes the preparation of this dish takes almost the whole day. Very often people cook pelmeni for a holiday. The Russians eat everything with bread but sometimes pies are served instead of bread. These pies may be stuffed with various fillings: fish, spring onions and eggs, meat, chicken, potatoes and mushrooms. Sweet pies are served for tea. They are usually stuffed with different fresh berries or jam. Every housewife has her own cooking secret.

As for the third course, it is usually a drink — compote, kissel or mors. In old Russia there existed another popular drink — Medovukha which is derived from the word "honey" (in Russian it sounds as "mjod"). Sometimes this course includes desserts. It may be ice-cream, baked apples or some fresh fruit.

Supper is the longest meal of the day, since it is time when the whole family can gather at one table and discuss some news. Russian people usually have a substantial meal for supper. It may be fried potatoes, potatoes in their skin with herring, fried fish or chicken. But there are also people who prefer light supper such as cottage cheese with sugar or milk and jam, an apple cake called "sharlotka", or a potato cake, or some vegetables. It will depend just on a person's preference.

It is worth saying that Russian cuisine is famous for its natural products. Russian people are fond of gathering, drying and using mushrooms and all kinds of forest berries in their dishes.


cuisine — кухня

delicious — вкусный

to share — делить

typical — типичный

indeed — действительно

distinctive feature — отличительная черта, особенность

recipe — кулинарный рецепт

fried eggs — яичница

scrambled eggs — омлет

oatmeal porridge — овсяная каша

cream of wheat — манная каша

rice porridge — рисовая каша

buckwheat porridge — гречневая каша

set of dishes — набор блюд

description — описание

to call one's attention — привлечь чьё-либо внимание

dayoff — выходной день

cottage cheese — творог

pan — сковородка

pancake — блин

variety — разнообразие

filling — начинка

sour cream — сметана

course — блюдо

snack — закуска

caviar — икра

herring — сельдь

sauerkraut — квашеная капуста

to excite the appetite — раззадорить аппетит

garnish — гарнир

freshwater fish — пресноводная рыба

carp — карп

pike — щука

pork — свинина

beef — говядина

veal — телятина

lamb — баранина

turkey — индейка

carrot — морковь

garlic — чеснок

to season — приправлять

minced meat — фарш

mashed potatoes — картофельное пюре

baked potatoes — печёный картофель

fried potatoes — жареный картофель

pasta — лапша, макароны

meat dumplings — пельмени

filling — начинка

stuffing — фарш

to roll out the pastry — раскатывать тесто

instead of — вместо

pie — пирожок

spring onions — зелёный лук

to exist — существовать

to derive from — происходить от

baked apple — печёное яблоко

to gather — собирать

to have a substantial meal — сытно поесть

potatoes in the skin — картошка в мундире

it is worth saying — стоит сказать

varied — разнообразный

tastes differ — о вкусах не спорят

heavy eater — любитель поесть

fat content — содержание жира


Flavours and Tastes
bitter - горький
sour - кислый
hot - острый
spicy - приправленный специями
sweet - сладкий
savoury - несладкий (любой вкус, отличный от сладкого)
salty - соленый
bland - пресный
tasty/ delicious - вкусный
tasteless - безвкусный
sickly - приторный
stale - черствый

General appearance and quality
over-cooked/overdone - пережаренный, переваренный
undercooked/ under-done - недожаренный,недоваренный
greasy - жирный
spongy - губчатый, пористый
oily - масляный,маслянистый
stodgy - густой
done to a turn - хорошо приготовленный, отлично прожаренный
more-ish - пальчики оближешь, аппетитный

Ways of cooking
to boil – варить
to fry - жарить
to bake - выпекать
to roast - жарить в духовке
to grill - жарить на рашпере
to season - приправлять солью и перцем
to cube/dice - нарезать кубиками
to slice - нарезать тонкими слоями, ломтиками
to chop - нарубить, нашинковать
to whip - взбивать
to stir - размешивать, перемешивать
to steam – парить

to barbecue – жарить мясо целиком

to casserole – запекать

to pickle – засаливать

to be done to a turn – быть готовым до золотой корочки

to siv – просеивать

to whisk – взбивать

to grate – тереть на терке

to role out – раскатать

to sqeeze – отжимать

to sprinkle – посыпать

to dip – набирать половником

to spread – намазывать


Weal – телятина

Pork – свинина

Mutton – баранина

Liver – печень

Kidney – почка

Game – дичь


Herring – сельдь

Salmon – лосось

Cod – треска

Pike – щука

Sardine – сардина

Trout – форель

Crayfish – речной рак

Squid – кальмар

Crab – краб

Lobster – омар

Oyster – устрица

Shrimp – креветка

Prawn – тигровая креветка

Mussel – мидия

Devil fish – осьминог


Garlic – чеснок

Kidney peans – фасоль

Beetroot – свекла

Turnip – репа

Salary – сельдерей

Asparagus – спаржа

Artichoke – артишок

Cauliflower – цветная капуста

Aubergine – баклажан

Parsley – петрушка

Sorrel – щавель

Bayleaf – лавровый лист

Berries / fruit

Cranberry – клюква

Gooseberry – крыжовник

Raspberry – малина

Strawberry – клубника

Tangerine – мандарин

Ginger – имбирь

Vanilla –ваниль

Cinnamon – корица

Persimmon – хурма

Quins – айва

Fig – инжир

Date – финик

Cottage cheese – сыр

Pasta – макаронные изделия

Buckwit – гречка

Simorlina – манная крупа

Millet – просо

Pearl barly – перловка

Rye – рожь

Noodle – лапша

Beef tea – крепкий бульон

Pilau/ pilaw/ pilaff – плов

Meat ball – фрикаделька

Aspic – заливной

Rissole – тефтеля/котлета

Pate – паштет

Puree – пюре

Truffle – трюфель

Dough – тесто

Puff dough – слоеное тесто

Yeast – дрожжи

Fritter – оладий


Walnut – грецкий орех

Cobnut – каштан

Peanut – арахис

Cashew – кешью

Almond – миндаль

Pistachio – фисташка

Cedar nut – кедровый орех


Пояснительная записка

Данный дидактический раздаточный материал по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» предназначен для учащихся средних профессиональных образовательных учреждений, обучающихся на первом и втором курсах по специальностям «Парикмахерское искусство», «Программирование в компьютерных сетях» и «Дизайн (по отраслям)».

Содержание материалов помогает в овладении национально-культурной специфики страны изучаемого языка и навыков выделять общее и различное в культуре родной страны и англоговорящих стран, и направлено на совершенствование умений ведения монологической и диалогической речи, совершенствование навыков частично-поискового и информативного чтения; развитие способностей выбора лингвистической формы и способа языкового выражения, адекватных ситуации общения, целям, намерениям и ролям партнеров по общению. Данный учебный материал создает развивающее пространство для формирования лингвострановедческой культуры личности, ее мировоззрения и отбирался по принципу системности, доступности, реальности.

Дидактический материал способствует закреплению фонетических навыков, навыков чтения и перевода, расширяет лексический запас, сообщает определенную информацию по теме и развивает коммуникативные навыки. Задания составлены с учетом лексико-грамматического минимума, которым студенты должны овладеть на определенной стадии обучения.

В данном материале содержатся лексические опоры по теме, тексты для изучения новой информации и после текстовые задания, диалоги, задания для закрепления новых лексических единиц и полученных знаний.

Данные материалы разработаны с учетом требований Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта. Предлагаемые материалы могут быть использованы преподавателями английского языка, а также студентами в ходе их аудиторной или самостоятельной работы.


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