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Что вы знаете про США и Австралию?

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«Что вы знаете про США и Австралию?»


Complete the sentences.

1) The USA borders on Mexico in the ___ .

a) north b) west c) south d) east

2) The USA is the world’s ___ largest country.

a) third b) fourth c) second

3) Only ___ have bigger territories than the USA.

a) Russia, Canada and China b) Canada, Russia and China c) Russia, China and Canada

4) The capital of Australia is situated in the ___ of the country.

a) north b) west c) south d) east

5) The emu is ___ tall.

a) 1,7 m b) 2,0 m c) 1,8 m

6) Most of Australians live in the ___ and ___ of the country.

a) south, east b) south, west c) north, west d) north, east

7) The Pacific Ocean washes the USA in the ___ .

a) north b) west c) south d) east

8) Two thirds of Australia is ___ .

a) desert b) tundra c) subtropical

9) There are ___ kinds of kangaroos in Australia.

a) forty b) sixty c) fifty

10) The Atlantic Ocean washes the USA in the ___ .

a) north b) west c) south d) east

11) The babies of ___ come from eggs but drink milk from their mothers.

a) wolves and foxes b) bears and elephants c) echidnas and duckbills

12) The USA borders on Canada in the ___ .

a) north b) west c) south d) east

13) Canberra has a big ___ in the centre.

a) pond b) lake

14) The word “koala” means ___ .

a) “no water” b) “no food”

15) There are ___ large mountain chains on the territory of the USA.

a) two b) three c) four

16) ___ has an Opera House with an unusual roof.

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Perth

17) In the ___ of the USA the high Rocky Mountains run from Canada to Mexico.

a) north b) west c) south d) east

18) ___ is the capital of Australia.

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Perth

19) The Appalachian Mountains extend in the ___ of the USA.

a) north b) west c) south d) east

20) The Appalachian Mountains are ___ than the Rockies.

a) younger b) older

21) The Rocky Mountains are ___ than the Appalachian Mountains.

a) higher b) not higher

22) ___ in the USA stretch between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains.

a) the Great Plains b) Uluru

23) Canberra became the capital of Australia in ___ .

a) 1928 b) 1927 c) 1926

24) Death Valley lies not very far from the ___ Coast.

a) Atlantic b) Pacific

25) The Grand Canyon lies in the ___ of the USA.

a) northeast b) northwest c) southwest d) southeast

26) Washington, D.C. is situated on the ___ River.

a) Colorado b) Mississippi c) Potomac

27) The longest and the biggest avenues in Washington, D.C. are named after American ___ .

a) states b) Presidents

28) ___ is a place where the US Congress meets and makes laws.

a) the White House b) the Capitol c) the Pentagon

29) ___ is the US president’s residence.

a) the White House b) the Capitol c) the Pentagon

30) Australia is the world’s ___ largest country.

a) seventh b) fifth c) sixth

31) ___ is the capital of the USA.

a) New York b) Washington, D.C. c) Chicago

32) British people came to Australia in ___ .

a) 1787 b) 1788 c) 1789

33) The newest Australian city is ___ .

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Perth

34) ___ means “meeting place”.

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Perth

35) The oldest and biggest Australian city is ___ .

a) Sydney b) Canberra c) Perth

36) Sydney appeared in ___ .

a) 1787 b) 1788 c) 1789

37) There are more than ___ kinds of birds in Australia.

a) 700 b) 800 c) 900

38) The emu is the ___ largest bird in the world.

a) second b) third c) fifth

39) The emu ___ fly.

a) cannot b) can

40) The kookaburra makes sounds like somebody’s ___ .

a) cry b) laughter

41) ___ trees, or gum trees grow in many places in Australia.

a) maple b) eucalyptus c) birch

42) Uluru is ___ km long and ___ m high.

a) 3, 348 b) 3, 347 c) 2, 348

43) Uluru is ___ million years old.

a) 500 b) 700 c) 600

44) Great Barrier Reef is ___ kilometres long.

a) 1,000 b) 2,000 c) 3,000

45) Australia is the ___ continent and the ___ island in the world.

a) smallest, biggest b) biggest, smallest

46) Lake ___ is situated in Death Valley.

a) Baikal b) Badwater c) Ontario


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