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Беларусь. Лексико- грамматические задания

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«Беларусь. Лексико- грамматические задания»




Ех. 1. Match the words in two columns. There is an odd word out.

1.     Наследовать 

2.     Дорожить

3.     Преодолевать

4.     Средний

5.     существенный

6.     уничтожить

7.     домочадцы

8.     Предок


a)                 to overcome

b)                ancestor

c)                 household

d)                average

e)                 To inherit

f)                  significant

g)                to cherish

h)                to wipe out

i)                  to conquer

Ех.2Fill in the words.

Even/outstanding/major/rites/origin/wiped out/average/crossroads/tournament.

1.                 On … people in Belarus like gardening and going to the countryside.

2.                 I think that over the centuries  Belarus became home for many … people.

3.                 Easter …in Belarus include egg-painting, baking a special Easter cake and visiting church.

4.                 Which … cities of your country would you recommend visiting?

5.                 Do you know the … of your native town?

6.                 In some countries people present only an …number of flowers.

7.                 World War II ... about one third of the country`s population.

8.                 Belarusian lands lie on the …of Europe.


Ex. 3. Fill in the correct relative pronouns (which, who, where, that)

1.                 I enjoy visiting my granny …lives in the village near Pinsk.

2.                 She prefers a tiny park …she discovered not far from the castle.

3.                 It`s the town …many historical events took place.

4.                 A watch tower is a place…was used for observing and signaling any danger.

5.                 A minstrel is a medieval musician …travelled from place to place to entertain people.

6.                 My friend said quite a lot of offensive words … made me feel sad.

7.                 The people …live in such a small town are usually very hospitable.

8.                 Our capital …tourists come is traditionally crowded and noisy.


Ex.4. Make up sentences.

1.                 Belarus/of/the/Republic/in/is/centre/Europe/situated/of/the.

2.                 Become/has/Belarus/of/Republic/the/country/a/home/nations/different/ people/of/for.

3.                 Today/becoming/is/country/our/destination/a/tourist/as/popular/more.

4.                 Festivals/of/lot/a/traditional/been/celebrated/have/our/ in/city.

5.                 Various/people/and/indoor/enjoy/outdoor/activities.

6.                 Berries/gathering/wild/mushrooms/ the/over/centuries/changed/hasn`t/and.

7.                 Was/it/a/castle/popular/Ages/Middle/in/the/Europe/Eastern/in/the.

8.                 Christmas/Eve/on/out/come/their/of/ghosts/witches/and/home.


Ex.5. Translate the sentences from Russian into English

1.                 Откуда произошло название нашей страны?

2.                 Республика Беларусь стала домом для людей разных наций.

3.                 Люди в Беларуси проводят около 45% своего свободного времени за просмотром телевизора.

4.                 Главные средневековые фестивали проводятся в Новогрудке, Несвиже и Мире.

5.                 Сегодня много туристов приезжают в Беларусь увидеть великолепные замки.

6.                 Культурные традиции страны не забыты.

7.                 В древние времена Беларусь была завоевана множество раз.

8.                 В моем городе есть много мест, куда я могу пойти с друзьями.





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